Thursday, June 4, 2020

Is It Friday Yet??

I really don’t have much of anything good so say about our day.

So I won’t say much of anything at all.

Just that we’re going to be stopping this negative household momentum stat, ‘cause we had a relatively even keel Spring, and we’re absolutely not gonna go off the rails this Summer.

The end.

Now enjoy these pics of the sushi play food set I got out for the kiddos a couple of days ago (I bought it maybe two years ago and just tucked it away and sort of forgot about it).

I finally found some lamps that I really dig for the upstairs console/storage thingie (technical term) in the playroom...

And I hilariously love how the kiddos turned the area into a sushi bar, ha.

I do not hilariously love the poor attitudes we’ve been wrangling within our casa.

More on that, our Spring wrap-up, and our Summer intentions soooooon.

Until then, I hope you all are healthy and sane.

Over and out. 

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