Saturday, June 20, 2020

Productive, Lazy Saturday

Well, m’peeps.

We managed to follow up our really high-excitement beach Friday with the rarest of rare kind of days.

One that was simultaneously lazy and productive.

We spent the majority of our morning like this (or in some stage of lounge quite like it)...

And then, before lunchtime, the hubby and I launched a major, no-holds-barred, massive his/hers master closet cleaning.

And by mid-afternoon, we were dropping off more than a dozen bags for donation, and feeling pretty dang good and purged.

Add to that some bathroom cleaning, six loads of laundry, a massive car cleaning (helloooo, to the sand that was everywhere after yesterday), and we were feeling quite accomplished. 

And...we still managed more lazy, quality family time in the evening.

Best o’ both worlds, I tell ya.

Grateful for this kind of chill but productive vibe.

And so grateful we still have one more day to the weekend. Father’s Day, no less!

Over and out. 

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