Sunday, June 7, 2020

Summer Intentions 2020

This past week, it felt a bit surreal to settle into the fact that it is well and truly Summer, after such an unprecedented Springtime.

But the days are getting longer, the sun is getting stronger, the lure of the pool is outweighing the fun of hot and humid bikes rides, and the official school year has come to a close.

So...bring it on.

Summer is here.

And we are so ready for it. 

Ironically, this time last year, we were totally ready for a change of pace with Summer 2019, because we’d just survived a pretty brutal move and remodel, and a whole slew of other challenges, and we were just barely settling into this new city of ours. So a lot of our Summer 2019 was about changing things up, going exploring and breaking free of our routine.

But, honestly...many of my intentions for Summer 2020 are more about continuity. Holding tight to the things that are working, and finding the simple joys closer to home.

So here’s my Summer 2020 Intentions list, with some random pool pictures thrown in so it’s not just boring text. ;)

Monday, Science FUN Day

Last year, I officially mandated Tuesday DO Day as a thing for my crew.

It was the day of the week where we went someplace fun to do something major, and, man, did we have some adventures.

From horseback riding to Sea World to the DoSeum, we had some fantastic outings that helped us nest a little within our new city, and find new adventures and memories here in SA.

Obviously, this year it’s much harder to be out and about within some of those major venues. So much is still closed and even when things reopen, crowds will be problematic.


I’ve decided on...

Monday, Science FUN Day!

The kiddos are full of so many experiment ideas that they glimpse on YouTube kids, that they’ve heard about in school, or that we’ve collectively researched. So I’ve started cataloguing some ideas, and tomorrow will be our official kick-off of Monday, Science Fun Day. :)


Are you sick of hearing about how much we enjoy our doodle time???? Ha. In case it’s not obvious...we still get so much joy out of our drawing time, and it’s such a centering activity for our day. So my hope is that we’ll continue to feel the drawing spirit all throughout the Summer.

What awesomesauce portfolios my babies are creating. Page after page of artwork that I am hands-down saving (and date-stamping) for their memory boxes. I’m sooooo happy for this new activity within our household.

Ramped Up Project Time

Alas...with doodle time taking the place of what little “free” time we had this Spring, there was little room for general project fun.

But with just a handful of projects we’ve tackled this past week (some I haven’t managed to post), my kiddos have full-on reignited their project love.

They ask almost daily now if there’s a project we can do, so it’s time for me to stock up and search online for some easy ideas, because I hope to take advantage of our additional Summer time on this front, while they’re so eager.

Family Visits

God willing, we are so hopeful to see many of our immediate family members this Summer.

We just had a visit from one set of grandparents, Nanna is set for one in a few weeks, cousins hopefully in July. AND, we have a new baby cousin that we’re dying to meet in person, and are crossing our fingers that our Tulsa road-trip in late July will allow us the opportunity.

So...wishful thinking for these visits to happen without complications. 

A Beach Day

On the travel front...we had to cancel a planned trip to Wisconsin to see the Uncles, and we are so bummed. :(

We went up there two Summers ago and it was absolute perfection, and we’ve been dying to go back ever since. But luck has not been on our side.

We had plane tickets booked months ago for a mid-June trip, but I’m just not comfortable with all the exposure it would require for my family.

So...that adventure is kaput, and I’d love to replace it with another that’s much more manageable.

And day trip to the beach.

We now live within feasible driving distance to technically do a beach day without needing to stay anywhere overnight. It would be a long day, but an amazing adventure, so it’s on my Summer bucket list to try and make it happen.

Here’s hoping.

Learning Continuity

Yep, I’m the annoying Mama that’s making my kiddos continue their school work over the Summer.

Not much to say beyond the fact that I don’t want to loose any tiny momentum we’ve gained. Plus, it’s just good for their brains, and as something for us do do.

Don’t worry, we won’t obsessively tackle it every day but we’ll definitely have “school days” a few times a week, and make it as fun as possible.

Home Projects

Being stuck at home for so long has afforded us the opportunity to tackle a few random little house projects—and some final settling of certain design elements since our move. Particularly, the piano room/study.

I’m so grateful that we’ve had the chance to focus on some of these projects as time and money have allowed, and I’m hoping we can finish out the last few tidbits as the Summer treks along.

Sleep, Sleep, and SLEEP

I mentioned it within my Springtime reflections post, but it just has to be said again. It is NOT EVER lost on me that this pandemic situation and the subsequent distance learning afforded us the best opportunity in the world to relax our morning wake-up time for the past few months.

Honestly, I have felt so much more stable for the bit of extra sleep (or reading time) each night, and I will try my absolute best to be grateful for it, every, dang day, through the end of this Summer!

So...there you have it. Not a lot of earth-shattering items on this list, but it’s still nice to establish some intentions for this new season that’s unfolding.

Goals are good.

To-dos are centering.

Looking back and feeling like we’ve stuck to any sort of road map is the absolute best feeling.

So...Summer: BRING IT ON.

Over and out. 

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