Sunday, July 5, 2020

4th of July—2020

Oh, holy heavens, what a fun and busy family 4th we managed, yesterday!

We packed a lot o’ diverting tidbits into our day—especially considering we had nowhere to be, and nothing to do, and social distancing is still in full effect.

Talk about miles and miles from last year’s vibe, when we were in HOTLANTA with my side of the family for older bro’s big race, and then on to Lake Oconee for one of our fivesome’s most memorable trips, ever

In case you want to walk down that memory lane for kicks and giggles—‘cause we totally did last night—here are the many posts from that round of fun:

I mean, seriously epic memories we made.

At a time when our spirits really needed some lifting.

It’s hard to believe, but last year, on the 4th, we were just barely emerging from our move and painful renovation—complete with criminal contractors and stolen cabinets and a million other yucky circumstances. 

Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong, and then, just days before we left for that HOTLANTA trip, we received the news that my car was totalled. 

And we literally bought a car by phone while we were out of town, and picked it up on our way home from the airport.



And, yet, such a beautiful reminder of how blessed we were to be in that trip, and grateful for some happy memories after a really brutal Spring and early Summer.

So...this was actually our very first 4th here in San Antonio. And since we weren’t game for joining in on any crowded festivities, we decided to keep our day jam-packed with these FIVE awesomesauce activities.

First: obligatory patriotic pics:

Second: family tennis! (Which was really exciting, since it’s been several months since we’ve managed to get up to the neighborhood court. And the kiddos are getting a better at connecting with the ball!)

Third: after a sweaty, post-tennis lunch indoors, it was family swim time! Complete with obnoxious and awesomesauce bald-eagle floatie that I ordered. ;)

Fourth: After a tiny bit of (much-needed) quiet time, the hubby and I set up our own The Floor Is Lava obstacle course for the kiddos. This is something that requires a whole post in and of itself, so muuuuuuch more on that tomorrow. Because we’ve been having a Lava blast! Ha.

Fifth: Lastly, after obstacle courses were conquered, and dinner was had, my crazies decorated their dessert, and we ended the night on a high. :)

As if ALL of this didn’t add up to one really wonderful, family-filled 4th, I got the most beautiful, unexpected time with Chica last night, long after my babies were supposed to be asleep.

We’d been talking about fireworks earlier in the day, and how we were glad to see them last year, and a tad bummed to miss out in 2020. But we wondered if we might somehow see some from the house, in some way.

Well, sure enough, at about 9:45 p.m., the hubby and I started hearing the boom of explosions. And just as I was about to investigate the source, to try and see some, Chica came sneaking down the stairs all excited, reporting that she’d opened her shutters and seen some out her bedroom window.

She was sooooooo beautifully lit up (pun intended) over the accidental display that I followed her up there, and we perched on her bed as we kept our eyes out for more.

Alas, there were none out her window, but when we tip-toed to the playroom, we ended up with the coolest, nearly-panoramic view of about three separate displays going off in the distance at various spots within the city.

And for neath 40 minutes, she and I sat up there, oooohing and ahhhhhing in the dark, as we took in the magnificence.

She was just mumbling the most gracious things over and over, like how blessed she was to see them, and how she’d remember it forever, and that it was so special that she and I were watching together, and it was just so lovely it hurt. In the best way.

I actually snuck in and lifted Chicklet from a dead sleep to bring her out and let her in on the beautiful display, but even when she was at the windows in my arms, she wasn’t truly awake, so I tucked her back in bed, and she had no recollection of it come morning. Same with Little Man, who was snoozing so deeply, I couldn’t even lift him. Oye.

But it was still the loveliest, most special way to end a happy 4th of July, and I’m grateful to have made such simple memories with my family.

Wishing you all a fantastic first week of The Dog Days of Summer. ‘Cause that’s what they start to become, post-Independence Day.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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