Thursday, July 2, 2020

A Sweet Puzzle Treat

Well, m’peeps.

It’s feeling well and truly like a holiday weekend ‘round here—even if we’ll be stuck close to home with not much to do.

The hubby is off of work tomorrow (hopefully), and he even wrapped up early today for a family dip in the pool.

With not much on the agenda, I’m looking forward to a bit of lazy, quality time, since the heat is going to keep us close to the air conditioning. And hopefully, I’ll be able to finish up the last couple of my catch-up posts during that low-key, lazy time.

Tonight’s recap installment: a sweet little puzzle project we did while Nanna was in town (also, if ever there was a doubt that my gorgeous Chicklet has a heart-shaped face, please see below):

It must be said, here, that I’m so grateful for all three of the grandparents and the lovely things they always bring down for the kiddos. Instead of just straight-up toys, the diversions they all bring are often things to do together. Projects, games, crafts. And I really, really love that.

As with Grandma and Grandpa last month, when they brought supplies for handmade bird feeders as well as aprons to decorate (among other things), Nanna brought some really coolio LEGO memento boxes for us to create (more on that later), and this really fantastic and yummy set of cupcake puzzles—with the thought that we could assemble the cupcakes whilst eating some cupcakes. :)

Or in Chicklet’s case...assemble some cupcakes whilst eating some cupcakes, dressed in cupcakes (her nightgown).

My little dude is such a puzzle master that he immediately zoned in on his task. Concentration face below. 

And he assembled faster working solo than we girlies managed in teams, ha.

It was such a lovely, gloomy, lazy morning for this diversion, and the kiddos were so content to eat and work away. 

Time for a taste test...

Love having these fun, non-technology activities to do together. Always a happy thing.

Happy Thursday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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