Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Some Reading Retail Therapy

Well, m’peeps.

We did it.

We managed to turn our terrible Monday completely around, and made it through Tuesday with flying colors.

And as a bonus, after the school day ended, we hopped in the car and headed to the bookstore to buy the next book in a series Chicklet is enjoying. And, well...we came home with a lot more than one book, ha.


Especially since the last thing the hubby said to us before we left was, “now, don’t get carried away.” ;) He knows what happens when the kiddos and I go to Barnes & Noble unsupervised. :)


I sort of have this personal theory that you can never have too many books, so we’re just gonna stick with that and enjoy our stories. And say a big, YAY, for turning our week around and indulging in some reading retail therapy.

So...our loot:

Heeeere’s the series we started for Chicklet. A princess by day, masked superhero when duty calls. So fun and lively...just like my girl. :)

We found them when Chicklet asked for a chapter book—and bookmark—“like sissy” and it’s the perfect advancement from straight children’s books. Because it’s mostly text with a few pictures thrown in, so it’s perfect training for Harry Potter—which she still wants to begin, “just like sissy” when she turns seven (SEVEN?!) in the spring of next year.

Other animal book selections from the girlies (and somehow Little Man’s LEGO book didn’t make it in a picture). Three selections that could not be more representative of my babies, ha.

And a series all the kiddos love that started with Chicklet. We have all of them at this point. Mermaid, leprechaun, unicorn...they’re all good fun. It was so exciting to find these two today that we’d somehow missed! Dinosaur and dragon, woohoo.

And, naturally...Halloween books!! Woo(spook)hoo!!

The hubby and I mutually agreed last week that Halloween books just might be our very favorite genre to read to the kiddos. They’re always a blast and I’m particularly excited about this one above (left) where the house wants to be haunted but just isn’t scary enough. :) Can’t wait.

In other freaking fantastic literary news...ALL of the following are sequels to books I’ve loved, and ALL (yes, all) are released on September 1st! (Well, except one, that’s released on the 22nd). So I’m going to be knee deep in continuations of stories I love when SEPTEMBER (how is that possible!!?) rolls around NEXT WEEK.

Yay, for books.

Yay, for better moods and better vibes today.

And, yay, that tomorrow is already hump day.

Halfway there...and it’s someone’s birthday weekend (ahem, me).

Over and out. 

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