Monday, September 7, 2020

A Very DEER Return!

Oh my heavens, peeps.

I feel like we had the biggest Goodby, Summer; Hello, Fall blessing tonight, and it was just the boost our family needed, in order to keep the bittersweet seasonal shift from going to the sad place.

Basically, I’ve posted on this here blog about all the wildlife wandering in the lower level of our backyard:

But we hadn’t seen anything for more than two months (well, other than our little snake discovery), and Chica, in particular, was getting a bit blue about our lack of sightings. 

She’d been concerned that all of our animal friends scattered—especially since our last official sighting was the very sad passing of our fox friend. :(

But I kept promising her that it was a seasonal shift, and while the weather was so hot, it was unlikely for the animals to be out roaming in the blazing heat (although I had no idea if that was a behaviorally sound assumption, or just parental hogwash, ha).

So imagine my freaking JOY tonight—after what was likely our final day of family swimming on this holiday that signals the unofficial shift from Summer to Fall—when I walked to the playroom windows to adjust the curtains, just before we put the kiddos down for bed, and I saw A DEER!

I started screaming IMMEDIATELY, and the kiddos and hubby came running. Our deer friend was back!!! 

We were beside ourselves with enthusiasm—that only ramped up, big time, when we realized it was not one, not two, not three, but FOUR DEER down there on the lower tier! All chillaxed and grazing, and enjoying the pending dusk.

I never managed to snap a shot with more than one of them in the frame, as they were grazing in two different areas and pretty camouflaged from a distance, but we were freaking PUMPED to just stand there as a family and stare and stare and track their movements. 

And, man, was I relieved that I wasn’t a lying parent, and that the animals have returned (or never wandered away to begin with; just stayed hidden).

I have no doubt we’ll be on the lookout every night for days to come.

And I’m so grateful for this morale boost heading into a week with some ongoing changes.

It’s an excellent reminder to the kiddos—and myself—that with every changing season, things we miss are replaced by other lovely life joys. :)

To every thing, there is a season. 

Happy Labor Day, peeps.

Bracing for the week ahead. Hope you all are staying happy, sane and healthy.

Over and out. 

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