Friday, September 11, 2020

Ghoulish Glowing

Oh. My. Heavens. Peeps.

Man, did we have some busy school days during this short week. Especially yesterday, when we had a handful of projects to throw in with our regular academic assignments.

Honestly, it was a lot of fun (if a lot to juggle), and I’ll definitely share pics...but not until tomorrow, ‘cause I’m too wiped to sift through all the images I have.

Tonight, just a short ditty.

Basically, our Halloween enthusiasm is growing and growing (shocker, I know).

The guest bedroom is officially serving as the “staging area” for all the spooky decorations we’ve pulled out of the attic, storage closet, or purchased in the past couple of weeks. And we can’t wait until we can officially spook the casa. :)

In the meantime...we brought home yet another really fun spooky book (though I suppose it’s not only a Halloween book):

Chicklet actually saw this advertised after one of her schoolwork videos she had to watch this week for an assignment. And when she submitted an official request for it...well, what can I say? I’m a sucker. And as I’ve previously stated, I think Halloween books might be our very favorites of all. :)

It’s a really fun concept about a pair of undies that glows in the dark. And freaks the owner out. He keeps trying to get rid of them, to no avail.

Until he finally makes friends with them and realizes they just want to be loved—and they can serve a double purpose as nightlights. ;) Hehe.

I love how interested the kiddos were in the illustrations. They were so into the glowing effect—which is so insightful, considering the book was a Caldecott winner for illustrations.

Keen eye, my babies. :)

So naturally, it was a really fun riot when the kiddos’ Halloween pajamas arrived in the mail yesterday (yep, I bought some this year), and Little Man got to test out his glowing skeleton. 

Super coolio, right???

He grabbed the book to cross-reference with his own ghoulish glow. ;)

The girlies’ nightgowns are more traditional with pumpkins and bats, but equally adorable.

Really, really loving the FUN diversion of heading into a new season—both the weather and the holiday variety. It’s putting just the extra pep in our step that we REALLY need, to get through this virtual schooling and maintain positivity with our socially distanced state.

One month of school down.

Oodles more to go. :)


Over and out. 

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