Saturday, September 26, 2020

Little Man’s 5th Birthday!

Oh. Holy. Goodness.

I think it’s a testament to our insanely busy days, of late, that I haven’t managed to post on this here blog since Monday.

That busyness typically has a ton to do with virtual school and its insane demands, but this week, it also had a lot to do with the prep for a big event ‘round our casa.


If I were less exhausted and more mentally sound at the moment, I would wax poetic about how it feels impossible that my baby boy—the youngest of my beloved nuggets—is already FIVE YEARS OLD. I mean, it just doesn’t seem possible.

And yet, at the same time, he’s such a smart, tall, energetic, joyful, animated, AMAZING growing boy, that five seems just the right age for him at this point in time. :)

It’s seriously insane to think that he missed the cutoff for kindergarten this year by less than two months, because he’s so mentally ready for all the challenges of elementary school.

And yet. I’m also ridiculously grateful (even on the really hard days) to have this nugget o’ mine underfoot and with me nonstop for the past pandemic months, because this time is fleeting and precious.

And so is this sweet, smooshy face!

Love this kid, SO CRAZY MUCH, that even though it was a looooong week, with a lot to handle, it was a joy and privilege to set up his requested Spider-Man/LEGO decorations last night, and imagine his crazy enthusiasm come morning. :)

Admittedly, it was a lot easier to find Spider-Man decor than LEGO, so I mostly let the webbed superhero reign in the dining room (oh, and hello, new dining table and chairs! I don’t think I’ve posted about them, and these pics are in terrible nighttime lighting, so more another day). And then we added some flair in other areas with LEGOs.

Like this path we made from Little Man’s bedroom, all the way downstairs and into the dining room. :) 

And this obnoxious sign we hung up for him to bust through like a champ, ha.

You know, I’m always completely aware of how over-the-top our birthday style is in our casa. And how ridiculously blessed (and, yup, a bit spoiled) our kiddos are on their special day each year.

I’ve posted many times about our family tradition of going all out with decorations and family fun, in lieu of spending money on big parties with other kiddos, and I’m grateful that my babies seem to totally adore how we roll, on this front.

This year, however, since all grandparent gifts, and aunt gifts, and great aunt gifts arrived by mail at the same time, and I managed to get everything wrapped and displayed a day or two early, I had time to walk by and stare at the present pile that seemed a little obnoxious—even though we stuck to our three (ish, if you branch out and count decorations you can play with, ha) gifts from Mama and Daddy.

Oh, well.

We’re just gonna go with the flow during this pandemic year and day, ENJOY, and BE GRATEFUL.

Three cheers for the three-foot tall Spidey balloon. :)

And this chock-full-of-icing chocolate cake the hubby snagged last night when he went to have the balloon inflated. 

As a final, unnecessary, spoiled-to-the-max birthday bonus, we gifted all three kiddos with these sleeping bags they’d been dreaming of for quite some time, and, man, are we glad we did because they were a ginormous hit today. :)

It’s like Christmas morning, every birthday, and I’m so grateful for all the smiles we experience and memories we make on each kiddos’ birthday, every year. SO special, and worth all the planning and effort it takes to pull it off!

I haven’t had a chance to post about this, but one of Little Man’s new, emerging loves is Mario! So fun to add a new element to our mix. And our gift to him this year was a gaming system (and a Mario game, naturally,) and Daddy and the kiddos went NUTS with it today. 

And Mario LEGOs, which aren’t even completely built, yet, and already a HUGE hit, as well. So more on that later. 

I mean...the sleeping bag love was strong in our casa today, ha.

And please just take a moment to look at these pics in sequential order and wonder where my kiddos get their silliness from. ;)

Yup, Daddy dropped Little Man’s drawers. Just before the wish making, ha.

These cutie pies carted their sleeping bags upstairs and downstairs all day long. And even lounged sometimes while playing video games—until they got so hyped up they had to stand and bounce all around screaming, ha.

And then, after two hours straight of enthusiastic, sweaty gaming, my little nuggets retired for some quiet time with lots of hydrating and big fans pointed in their direction, since they insisted on sleeping bags despite their heated state, ha.

Love these babies and love my birthday boy like CRAZY, and I know he had such a happy day of feeling the love.

And all five of us are currently holed up in the master bedroom for a family sleepover to cap it all off (all three nuggets are currently asleep—in their sleeping bags, no less, ha), and hopefully resting up after the major day.

Hoping for a lower key Sunday before launching into yet another busy week.

So many catch up posts to get to, so here’s hoping I’ll find some time in the coming days.


Over and out. 

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