Saturday, September 19, 2020

My Costumed Crazies

Well, m’peeps.

I think we turned the hot mess express train around today, and managed a lovely, low-key family Saturday. :)

Would you just look at my beautiful pajama-clad nuggets???

Love these crazies. I was hanging a new piece of art while we were rocking out and dancing to some tunes, and they were happy as clams.

And shortly thereafter, they were all geared up in the Halloween costumes we snagged at Tar-jay yesterday. Woohoo!

I’ve learned from experience that we can talk all we want about costume ideas, but as soon as Target has some in stock and my crazies see options in person, the immediacy instinct kicks in and they fall in love, stat. Ha.

So I always try and make the visit down these aisles when the hubby is with us, so he can be in on the seasonal fun.

Chica selected Mulan, and it was never even in her consideration set before this, but it’s just so, dang perfect on her. And she’s typically our most indecisive when it comes to costumes (she just loves them all and agonizes over her choices), so when she pulled the trigger immediately, I knew we were golden. :)

So precious.

Little Man also feel in love, stat, with an adult-sized hammerhead (his favorite type of shark) costume. Alas, they only had a regular shark in kid size, and it’s actually too small for him, so it’s going back to the store. BUT. We found a kid-size hammerhead online and it arrives tomorrow, and he is pumped

And last, but definitely not least: Chicklet and her rainbow unicorn ride-on costume! :)

My girl adores a good ride-on costume, and obviously loves rainbow anything, as well. Truth: it’s a toddler size, and doesn’t come any larger, but she made it fit and has not a care in the world that it will only fit her for a few months, ha. And we even snagged a pastel rainbow-colored wig for her to use with it on Halloween, too. For extra flair. ;)

In case you can’t tell from the year over year Halloween insanity on this here blog...our familia loves this time of year.

Every little thing from costumes to decorations to projects brings us great joy. And we are totally marinating in it right now, as it’s the best antidote to this socially distanced world. 

We may or may not have snagged our first pumpkin of the season, yesterday. And the pumpkin count since then has possibly quadrupled. Times two, ha.

Indoor decorations going up, tomorrow!

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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