Monday, October 19, 2020

227 Days Later...




So often today, my thoughts gravitated towards how greatly life has morphed over the past nearly eight months. 

I remember picking up my kiddos from school for an early Spring Break departure back in the first days of March, non the wiser that they wouldn’t return to that building for 227 days.

(Yup, I counted.)

Which made today a very banner Monday, indeed, as it marked the girlies’ triumphant return to in-person learning.

(Pause for a moment of reflection and slow-clap applause.)

So...I actually made it a point not to take first-day-of-in-person-school pics, as I was trying to keep this day low-key and free from nerves. And I think it definitely helped with the morning drop-off. As did the fact that the hubby tagged along with us.

And honestly, I’m so very grateful to say that I didn’t spend too much of my day worrying about my girlies. 

I have a great sense of peace with their return to school—even when I checked my e-mail immediately after their drop-off and read the notification of a positive Covid diagnosis among a member of the elementary’s staff. Oye.

I can’t spend my days excessively fearful about the exposure they are receiving. I can only do my best to arm them with germ protection, drill hygiene habits into their little heads, and trust their teachers.

And continuously evaluate as time goes on.

So, man, was it just pure JOY to pick them up at the end of the day and still see these giant smiles:

They had nothing but positive things to report. And they didn’t seem too overwhelmed with the whole shebang. It all just felt very...normal(ish). Aside from the massive line of cars at school pickup, due to new dismissal procedures.

I adore that Chica’s teacher is so communicative that she even texted me a pic of my girl at her desk during the day:

At first, when Chica reported her selection at the back of the room, I was like, huh?? Why at the back?? And then, after marinating a minute, I was like, that’s genius. No kiddos to cough or pass germs from behind, ha.

I also adore adore that my girl attempted a selfie for me. :) They are still utilizing their iPads for a short transitional period, and while it was open, she snapped this quick shot, hehe:

So precious. :)

After the happy pick-up, the girlies—seeing the fun LEGO prize Little Man weaseled out of me today—conned me into a return trip to Tarjay to get their own first-day-of-in-person-school something. And because I’m an indulgent Mama, I caved.

Chicklet’s bird sings and parrots back things that you say to her, hehe.

So all in all, such a solid, happy return to school.

I have NO DOUBT that moods will decline as the week progresses—if only for the simple fact that they’re now waking up about 45 minutes earlier than during virtual school days. But we’ll do our best to keep things light and unburdened as we settle in over the next couple of weeks.

And on the home front...Little Man certainly didn’t suffer today, ha. He was my buddy all day for various errands and not one but two rounds of doodling that he requested. He was definitely enjoying his King Of The Castle time, ha. Commander In Chief of all activities. ;)

And this afternoon, before the girlies’ pickup time, he was so loving and silly and giggly with me. It was such a delight.

Tomorrow will mark the next major milestone with his first day of his new preschool.

Hoping for more positive vibes.

And also hoping for a breather sometime in the future!

Happy Monday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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