Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Little Man’s Bedroom Change-Up!

Hellooooo, from this Tuesday of the first week of in-person learning for my kiddos (as well as Little Man’s first day at his new preschool, but more on that later).

For starters, because it was a big day for my boy, I want to share a little bedroom change-up we’ve had in the works for the past month or so.

I give you...Little Man’s refreshed bedroom!

This project started for one specific purpose, and snowballed just a tiny bit, but I’m so tickled by how it turned out—especially since I didn’t have very specific preconceived notions about the specifics, which made it even more fun.

But toggling back to Little Man’s big day...here he is on the porch with his massive, filled-to-the-brim school bucket, raring to go this morning!

After many days (and I suppose, also many months) of discussing this new preschool adventure, he was more than ready to dive in today. Especially after watching his sissies trot off to school yesterday. 

And I adore how accidentally, awesomely coordinated his outfit was with his bucket and his face mask, hehe.

He came flying down the stairs with his new Mario backpack (muchas gracias, Aunt Nancy!) that he received for his bday. And I had to burst his bubble that for the time being, only the bucket can go back and forth to school, as it’s easiest to sanitize and what the school is currently mandating.

Alas...we’ll get to the backpack someday soon. And, thankfully, nothing could apparently keep him down, as he was happy-go-lucky the whole way there, and marched right in to the building after his temperature and symptoms check, like he’d done it a million times already. :)

His teacher sent me a couple adorable little pictures throughout the day, and said he was acclimating seamlessly. Which is exactly what a Mama wants to hear!

And when I came to pick him up at the end of his day, he was still happy-go-lucky, smiling, and brimming with details about his day. All. Good. Things. Peeps. All good things. 

Such a relief to have these first couple of days go so well for all my babies. I spent so much time over these past nearly-eight months wondering and worrying about this transition after so long in the home bubble. So I could not be prouder of their resilience and positivity. 

Even better, as we continue this re-immersion: the girlies’ have early dismissal days tomorrow and Thursday due to parent/teacher Zoom conferences, so I’ll get to pick them up just after lunch. And Little Man is currently enrolled for just T/Th preschool (but we’re on the wait list for three days). So the timing of this inaugural week is a wonderful blessing, as it will allow for a little bit of breathing room.

And speaking of breathing room...as soon as the hubby and I dropped Little Man off today, we looked at each other like: Now what??? Or perhaps: Time to parent party!!!

I’d love to say we managed a few really lazy, indulgent hours, but...not so much, ha. There was much to be done on both our fronts, but it was so lovely to be at home together (he’s in his final weeks of working from home on M/W/F and will work full-time from the office beginning in November). It certainly was a joy to have company with my babies out of the nest. :)



With school news complete, let’s get back to the room refresh, m’kay??

It all began when the hubby and I started thinking about how nice it would be to have another queen size bed somewhere in the house, to make it even easier to host out-of-town guests in groups (like when we have one whole side of the family come for a holiday. Remember when we could easily do that in pre-Covid days, and/or when we lived closer to everybody??).

Anywho....it’s impossible to believe that when we moved to SA a short 18-months ago, my Little Man was still in diapers, sleeping with a pacifier, and still in a crib. I mean...holy moly, how can one kiddo grow SO MUCH in that period of time???

So...needless to say, we never once envisioned transitioning him from his crib in McKinney straight to a queen size bed! But when we thought of this little project a few months ago, it made so much sense to work the larger bed into Little Man’s room, as his is the largest of the three kiddos, and has its own en suite bathroom.

So...as a reminder, here’s what his room looked like before:


And here it is, now!

In addition to the larger bed, I decided to lose the glider (he hasn’t used that remnant from his nursery days even once since we’ve lived here—at least not as a legitimate seating space, but rather a climbing structure, ha), and add a desk. Both his sissies have utilized their desks so much in these virtual learning days, and it just made a lot of sense to find one for him, as it will come in very handy as he continues to age.

We found some truly fantastic deals on Wayfair for these new tidbits, thank goodness. And the first item—that really set the vibrant tone—was the upholstered bed. His old room (as well as his original nursery) was all grey and white with pops of aqua, and I wanted to keep some sort of color pop. And the bed is certainly that.

Then color me hysterically entertained when we went to Tarjay in search of bedding and Little Man selected this velvet comforter in the most unique green. He declared it looked like monster boogies (apparently, a thumbs up, ha), and we were sold. I worked in a coordinating pop of some yellow and a brown/grey, and then found these obnoxious, sort of snake-skin lamps at Homegoods, and we were good to go. :)

The day we assembled the bedframe, Little Man was in rare silly form. “Helping” with tools, he dubbed himself the “Super Screwer” and I absolutely lost it. I have the best video of him song-songing that name, and it’s just a riot.

But it’s always a happy thing to involve my babies in anything that involves change to their personal space.

And I could not love this accidental crotch shot (too crass?) pillow pounce more. He was so happy to dive into his new sleeping zone. :)

In the end, I ordered some inexpensive wall ledges to reposition his beloved superhero frames, rather than put a dozen new nail holes in the walls (yes, yes, I know I had to put holes in the wall for the ledges). But the real bonus was keeping my perfectionist brain from getting annoyed when one of the frames seems to go off-kilter, as they always tended to do. And I really love the dimension it added to the room.

And the leaning desk is so simple and space saving and perfect that Little Man loves to go in there and sit. :)

He really is a happy dude in there, and it’s been an extra-special bonus to have a much larger bed with a soft headboard to snuggle as a family when we’re reading books at night.

Tummy tickles... ;)

So there you have it! A growing bow, and a changed-up room to better suit his needs and the household needs.

Grateful grateful we had the capacity to tackle this amidst our constant life craziness.

And even more grateful for happy household of babies during this significant school week.

Happy Tuesday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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