Sunday, October 11, 2020

My Babies In October 2020: Chica

Okay, peeps. My unofficial homage to each of my babies continues. All the little lovely things about each of them in this moment that I don’t want to forget. So next up...



1. My Brown-Eyed Girl

So I know this isn’t a phase or anything that will change, but her eyes continue to be so lovely as she grows, and she’s my only baby who got my eyes (super dark brown that never change), so it’s the first thing I’ll note.

2. Still Accessorizing

I adore that she still loves her necklaces and earrings and bracelets and headbands, and, well, pretty much everything. She’s loved accessories since she was barely more than a year old, and it’s just so her

3. Model Student

You know, I gotta say: I had a bit of a weepy Mama moment last Thursday when I received word from Chica’s teacher that she would be receiving an amazing character award at school to mark the end of this first nine weeks.

I cried because, first: she’s already gotten one, smaller award this school year (for her positive attitude and habits), and I’m just so overwhelmed with pride that my girl is such a happy and respectful student that she’s getting a second award. And the other reason I cried is that it’s such a beautiful thing in the world of virtual classrooms and teachers communicating via Zoom that my girl’s sweet nature still shines through. 

4. Smarty Pants

Last brag on the school front. We received the first wave of standardized testing for the kiddos to gauge how they’re doing and where they can grow this year, and bottom line: Chica is outperforming national and district averages in an amazing way, and I’m really in awe of her hard work and brain.

She has a tendency to stress out over math, so I’m extra-proud that her scores on that front have grown exponentially—even throughout quarantine, woohoo!—and I’m so grateful that it’s given her greater confidence to know she can tackle the subjects that don’t come as naturally to her. :)

5. Little Chef

These days, Chica just beams anytime we let her give an assist in the kitchen. She adores providing any cooking or baking help—and honestly, I need to foster this love as much as I’m able (given our crazy days and mealtimes). 

The other morning, she even woke telling me she created a dessert recipe in her brain the night before when she couldn’t fall asleep, and we went to the grocery store to gather the ingredients for her creation (a chocolate pudding and blueberry concoction). :)

6. Water On A Timer

I’ll just come right out and say that our household can always stand to drink more water. Always. It’s just hard to fit it in amidst crazy life.

But Chica helps immensely by setting her iPad timer during quiet time to alert her and her siblings every 10 minutes to chug, chug, chug. And it’s the most water they drink all day—and I hear the numerous toilet flushes that confirm it, ha.

7. Animal Knowledge Master

She is still a Wild Kratts TV show lover and can tell you a million, specific animal facts, anytime, any place.

8. Cheetah Lover

For years and years, the cheetah has ranked as her favorite animal, and her love on that front is unwavering.

9. Harry Lover

She and I are nearing the end of the third Harry Potter book, and her love is STRONG. I adore that she’s taken to these books so completely—and I hope the other kiddos do, as well, when they’re old enough—and it’s been such special time together. 

10. Sleeps With A Fan

All of my babies sleep with a fan in their room—just like Mama and Daddy—but Chica’s is the largest and loudest. She’s the one of our three who’s always had the toughest time falling asleep, and the white noise helps.

11. Hairstyle Fun

Within the past six months, I’ve noticed her enter into a phase where she’s just slightly more aware of her appearance. Thank heavens, there’s no self-consciousness coming along with this phase, or any critical self-obsession, it’s more of a creativity thing. She’s been having lots of fun learning to style her hair in fun ways with her own, velvet scrunchies, and I love seeing her experiment like this.

Thus far, she usually just plays with hairstyles she wears at home but not out, but I’m sure this will change at some point, too. And I can’t wait to see it evolve—and also can’t wait to do my part to keep it all in a happy, positive, self-expression light.

12. Spanish Words

She’s so curious about the translation of certain words into Spanish. I really, really need to foster this curiosity. I downloaded an app for her iPad that I hoped would help, but I need to follow up and see if it’s any good.

13. Taylor Fan

We listen to a lot of music at home, and she adores Taylor Swift. Likely, because I do, and it’s a lot of what she hears. But it’s often upbeat with masterful lyrics, and I consider it a positive influence. A strong, successful female who pens her own songs.

14. Tiny Hoarder

As the eldest, she’s long mastered the ability to share with her siblings, even when she does so begrudgingly. But I adore finding small little things she really loves that she stores away in her closet or chest of drawers to try and keep all to herself. Can’t blame a girl.

15. Fox Lover

Cheetah might be number one in her heart, but the fox is a close second, so, yay, to Starbucks and their special Fall cake pops that Chica adores.

16. Mother Hen

Have I mentioned her big sister tendencies??? She’s always been such a solid sibling helper, and often, the keeper of the peace amongst my three crazies, and I’m so grateful for this.

17. “Embarrassed”

Unfortunately, another phase we’ve entered is her acknowledgement that she embarrasses easily, a trait she probably gets from me, and I hope she’ll be able to overcome. She’s often shared little moments from school or life in her past that have caused her to feel shy or embarrassed, and I hope they’ll remain something she can work through and move past.

On a positive note, she’s mentioned often that she feels more comfortable and less embarrassed in person at school than via Zoom (funny, because I would have guessed the opposite), so that gives me a lot of peace and excitement for her contentment back in the classroom when she’s finally there.

18. Science Lover

Chica has a lot of excitement over every science experiment they conduct in class (or that we conduct on our own as an assignment at home), and I love her interest on this front. I really, really think our Monday, Science FUN days helped along this front, so I hope this love and interest continues.

19. Talks To Electronics

She LOVES asking Siri or Alexa about anything and everything, ha. Sometimes it drives me mad when it takes a few tries for the device to understand the questions. But, again, I suppose curiosity is never a bad thing.

20. “Poop”

I’d love to say my sweet-soul of a girl is never the pot stirrer, but she’s probably the one to get all three of my crazies saying their silly potty words and language when they’re in a nutty mood, and she’s the hardest to get to stop. Ha.

21. Doesn’t Like Change

I know, know there’s a ton more that I could share about my girl, but this last thing I’ll add is that she’s a lover of the status quo. My girl does not like change: in her environment, in her room, in life, in general, ha. So much so that Daddy and I sometime force small changes upon her, just so she can have a bit of practice processing and dealing with it.

But. In the end, I suppose it’s a testament to the fact that she’s happy and content at home and in life.

All is well with my eldest. She has a BEAUTIFUL heart to match her beautiful exterior, and I’m so grateful for the incredible soul she has as she continues to age.

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