Sunday, October 4, 2020

Project Round Up—First Week of October

Helloooooo, peeps, from our silly Sunday household to yours!

Yesterday, we had a great but exhausting Saturday, working outside in the yard, and then following it up with a ton of indoor chores.

So even though I had bunches on my list for today, as well, my body just decided, nope. And we’ve been slightly more low-key.

I’m hoping for a couple of catch-up posts tonight, but we’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, heeeeere are a few projects we tackled this week.

Lots of crafting fun still a-happening ‘round here, lately. Sometimes during Sunday virtual church services, sometimes to get us out of a bad mood, and sometimes, just because. :)

And, to paraphrase’s always a good thing.

A little early for Thanksgiving crafts, but we’re turkeys like that. ;)

Sweet Chicklet colored one for Daddy, too, so he wouldn’t be left out. :)

This was one to get us out of cuh-ranky pants moods:

Love Little Man’s scrunchy, monster face. :)

We loved these big Frankenstein boxes. With such handy little open mouths, they would be great for a candy collection of some sort. Bonus—they were dual sided.

And lastly, a science assignment of Chicklet’s that all three kiddos decided to tackle. She learned about various cloud types this week—cumulus, stratus, etc.—and we got to create and label them. :)

Still love seeing my boy writing with his excellently-corrected pencil grip. Lot o’ pride there, that we were able to get him so sturdy before elementary. Woohoo!

Okay, like I said...hopefully more later!

Hope everyone is luxuriating in the last of a lovely weekend.

Over and out. 

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