Friday, October 30, 2020

Triple The Grand Fun!

Holy moly moly, I feel like it’s been a busy few days (hence my lack of posting), but for the fantastic reason that all three Grandparents drove to town together for Halloween fun this week—woohoo!

And that just means a lot of all the extras in our happily packed casa.

Extra treats and projects and errands and shopping and games and meals (and meals and meals).

The kiddos are in hog heaven, lavishing up the love and attention from all their favorite adults.

And I swear I’ll try to do better about taking pics of all the loverly activities that are keeping our days so interesting. :)

Here’s a snapshot of some I have managed to capture. And I have no doubt I’ll take oodles and gobs and oodles of pictures mañana for the pinnacle of our spooky season. :)

Potato-Head Pumpkins (plus Chicklet photo bombing):

Puzzle Challenges:

Preschool Costume Day:

Spooky Ring Pops (yup, they’re sucking on candy behind those spooky mouths):

Simple Project Time (we’ve been getting a lot of use out of the new, longer dining table):

And...Doodling! (This was the start of fantastic Mario Bowsers that some of the adults finished coloring, while others had to pause to go pick up the girlies from school, ha):

My babies are so excited for the big day tomorrow, and it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful Fall day—with a perfectly spooky full moon, to boot!

Happy Halloween Weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

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