Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Oh my heavens, peeps.

I am seriously digging November at the moment—just like last year.

And in perfect timing with my general sense of this being a breather month and a time to focus on all things gratitude, and just revel in some low-key family time...the leaves have finally started changing ‘round our parts, and we could not be happier about it. :)

So...we all know of a Rain Dance, yes??


This is Little Man’s Leaf Dance, hehe.

He walked out of preschool today and into the parking lot with me, and gasped. Literally gasped and giggled and started the best silly dance—all because the wind blew in while he was at school and scattered oodles of little yellow leaves all over the parking lot. And he. Was. Pumped. :)

So, naturally, we went leaf hunting in the front yard when we got home.

And then we did some leaf peeping when we went to pick up the girlies from school a few minutes later.

And then we all spent a good half hour in the front yard, hunting and gathering our favorite foliage. :)

In the end, we loved so many of our gorgeous leaves that we brought some inside to make simple, little leaf crowns, and they turned out so Fall-tastic (yep, I went there).

I’m sooooo reveling in these lower key days this week. Just taking some time to talk a bunch with my babies after they’re home from school while we work on a little project or get out some holiday decorations. And I’ve also really been loving the quality time with Little Man when his sissies are at school. 

We—again—hunt for foliage...

And play word games that work on his reading, and sound out superhero stories and build puzzles...

And...doodle. :)

We are truly going to try out best not to run errands or do any shopping this week and next and just be.

Enjoy our home and the simple crafts we already have in the closet, and luxuriate in this in-between time before the Christmas ramp-up.

November...I’m digging you, big time.

Let’s keep it up.

Amen, FALLeluiah.

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