Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Mario Gingerbread Mansion

So...what’s a Mama to do when she walks into Walmart for a quick errand and finds a Mario gingerbread house that seems so perfectly perfect for this particular holiday season that it’s gotta come home, even though Thanksgiving isn’t even over yet. :)

Yay, for early gingerbread-ing on a cloudy, lazy day.

You know, I really do love it when my babies end up with new obsessions (like Mario) that just seem to be everywhere, all the time. And then I wonder if it’s the chicken or the egg that brought on all the love and interest. 

Either way...I’m so grateful when I can readily find such fun and entertaining tie-ins for some of my kiddos’ favorite interests. :)

Love these smoothie faces.

And I’m enjoying some colder, rainier weather than we typically have in SA. Makes for prime lazy, TV-watching, project-doing, video game-playing days. 

Over and out, peeps.

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