Thursday, November 5, 2020

November Attitude Of Gratitude

Oh my goodness, peeps.

This is the first week in awhile that’s left me feeling quite wiped, like I’m dragging my body over the TGIF finish line on fumes.

So let’s talk about all the reasons:
  • Sleep. Or Lack, Thereof
  • Some Minor Congestion/Gunk
  • In-Person School Wake-Up Shift
  • The Halloween Aftermath
So...first: like most of the country, I stayed up quite late on Tuesday evening, following election coverage, and my bedtimes didn’t improve after that night. So the sleepiness combined with a bit of family congestion that hit Little Man and I the past few days has left me ready to throw in the towel and declare the weekend OPEN, ha.

Second: we’re only wrapping up Week 3 of in person school—and the 45 minutes of sleep we lost with that shift—so I’m sure it’s catching up to me, at last. Despite that glorious extra hour, thanks to the daylight savings shift.

And third...the Halloween hoopla aftermath, ha. It’s well documented on this here blog that our household adores adores the Halloween season. Might be our biggest celebration behind Christmas (although, let’s be real: what don’t we celebrate in a big way?? Ha.)

And as part of that awesomesauce spooky celebrating, we’ve had family in town the past eight years on Halloween—which is so very fantastic—so there’s always a flurry of activity before, during, and after, that leaves me a slight bit spent.


The upside (downswing?) to all of this October craziness coming to a close: I’ve really begun to enjoy the month of November so much as a period of regroup and redirect time.

A bit of calm amidst the holiday storm to focus on family time, nesting, decorating, and...gratitude.

Gratitude, gratitude, GRATITUDE.

This November trend has always been there to a certain degree, but I feel it really kicked into high gear last year, following our move.

Our renovation nuttiness wasn’t truly complete last year until September, and then Halloween descended upon our casa in a happy way. Allowing us to decorate and enjoy our environment and the season for the first time since the move.

So in November, after the spookiness died down, I was  FINALLY able to step back and take stock of the abundant blessings in our life, despite our tough 2019.

And I feel like the WHOLE WORLD needs that kind of gratitude attitude this year, as we’re all, to varying degrees, limping toward the finish line of 2020, trying so very hard to see the positives amidst so much upheaval.

I know that I, for one, will be encouraging my household to focus on the THANKS of all that we have and have been through, and the stability we’ve maintained, despite it all. We’re putting an unofficial embargo on purchases (other than food) to try and focus on non-materialistic things for a few weeks. And I could not be more excited to just settle in and let the autumn gratefulness settle over me. :)

Hilariously, as I was typing this up and thinking about this first week of November, and comparing it to last year, I realized we could not be more predictable with certain things in our household.

But if those certain things lead us to a slightly more low-key month that’s focused on thankfulness, I’ll take it!


Last year, kiddo Christmas trees on November 5th:

This year, kiddo Christmas trees on November 3rd:

Last year, gratitude post on November 6th:

And this year, same post theme, SAME DAY, ha.

And, lastly...photographic evidence of Little Man and I during our Target shenanigans the first week of November last year...

And this year...

And he’s even wearing a Flash shirt in BOTH PHOTOS, ha.

Predictability, peeps.

Or perhaps, a better spin on it is reliability. :)

Either way, I remember really enjoying last November and the feeling of calm it elicited. So I’m excited to reliably bring that feeling back, if possible.

And now I’ll leave you with good wishes for a GREAT weekend, and this silly pic of my boy and his more-green-than-blue eyes when we had a lovely round of family coloring yesterday. And then more pics of our shimmery pictures. :)

Over and out, peeps.

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