Monday, November 30, 2020

November Doodles—Mario, Mario, MARIO!



M’humans who are reading this here post.

Today was a banner day.

And not just because it was super low-key, with lots of afternoon/evening family video game and movie time after school and dinner, but because Little Man finally—finally—gave us permission to proceed with holiday-themed doodles.

Hello, Rudolph. :)

You see, this qualifies as a major event because we’ve been deep in the weeds of Mario-themed doodles for weeks and weeks.

And when I say ‘deep in the weeds,’ I mean that my dear son dictated that we work our way through each and every video that’s posted on the YouTube drawing channel we love.

It all began with Mario (and Luigi, who I somehow neglected to photograph)...

Yoshi. Of course.

Toad. And fire flower.

Fire Mario.

Piranha plant.

Goomba (that, yes, looks a lot like a poo emoji).

Shy Guy.

More Toad.


Dino Piranha Plant.

A different Yoshi. ‘Cause one is never enough. ;)

And I’m sure there are others I’ve missed. And...truth be told, there’s a single Princess video we somehow managed to skip over today when I sort of pleaded to doodle something Christmasy. :)


Hilarious documentation of the deep weeds of Mario doodling aside...I adore, adore, adore how often Little Man wants to doodle when his sissies are at school. It’s sort of been our thing since the girlies returned to in-person learning five weeks ago.

That said, I sometimes feel a bit guilty that Chica and Chicklet miss out on our drawing time on M/W/F, so doodling Mario-related subjects that might not interest them so much helped a bit with the guilt.

So...I guess I’m about to feel worse about any fun holiday things we draw, ha.


The fact is, there’s just not a ton of time to doodle after everyone is home from school, so I’m grateful for any and every chance we can get. And I’ll keep doodling happily, as long as my boy wants.

So here’s to some fun quality, creative time. And to lots of festive doodles in the coming weeks (fingers crossed).

Over and out. 

P.S. The hubby gloriously returned home from the office today at lunch, declaring it a ghost town up there. Apparently, he’ll be back to working nearly 100% from home this month (with the exception of a few key meetings), so he wrapped up early with all his to-dos and was ready to play by the time the school day ended.

And since I had a stew slow-cooking all day, we had a ton of time as a fivesome this evening, and it was so lovely and unexpected for a random weekday. :)

Already on countdown until Christmas break. 14 school days and counting....

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