Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Baby Cousin Holiday LOVE

So...Baby Cousin arrived last night, and that’s pretty much the only important thing to know about our happy holiday casa at the moment. :)

To say my kiddos are wildly obsessed with their little cousin nugget would be a massive understatement. 

They are in love, love, love, and it’s the perfect time to just be nesting at home, playing with and staring at the cute little bug all the live long day.

And what a lovely, low-key December-in-San-Antonio day it was. With a lazy morning, a project, a lunch outside by the pool, a family walk and nap time, and a virtual viewing of The Nutcracker by The New York City Ballet (a streaming gift from the uncles in Wisconsin, who watched with us from afar since they can’t be here in person).

So grateful for all of this—especially this year.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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