Saturday, December 26, 2020


Well, m’peeps.

We did it!

We Christmased.

And in this strange 2020 holiday season of ours—thanks to the safety of car travel, and willing, non-exposed family members—we were able to celebrate together. In part.

And in this strange 2020 holiday seasons of ours—thanks to technology and inventiveness—we were able to celebrate together. As a whole.

At least as much as a Covid holiday allows.

There is still so very much to be thankful for.

And on Christmas, that gratitude is evident in abundance.

Now here’s a slew o’ pics from our gloriousness chaotic day. Broken down into the general phases that I feel like our holidays follow.


As with any family with young kiddos, the morning dawns bright and early and pretty mulch delves into a couple solid hours of mania. So I’ve learned to request a family pajama photo before the nuttiness begins. ;)

Jolly music blasting and the descent down the stairs...

And...JOY. :)

And Baby Cousin’s first Christmas!

See animated toy intrigue baby...

See animated toy scare baby...

See Chicklet assess baby dragon...

See Chicklet feed baby dragon...

See Chicklet burp baby dragon...

See Chicklet roar with t-Rex (who she named Sheila), and baby dragon (who she named Blueberry).

See Chicklet play with baby dragon, Lion King style...

See Chica with Harry Potter (or, rather, Hermione’s) time turner necklace...

See Nanna with festive headwear...

See Little Man proudly bestowing his school-made gift that he managed to keep under the tree until the big day...


So...after an hour or two of Santa mania, we typically take a breakfast breather and regroup for a moment. A few among us snagged a shower, and then we reconvened to exchange and unwrap anything-not-from-Santa.

See the Uncles on FaceTime...

See the kiddos unwrapped video game fun from aunt/uncle...

See Chicklet astonished...

See Uncles unwrapping their gifts we shipped...

See chaotic living room, just as it should be...

See Chicklet’s expertly applied stocking stuffer lip shimmer.::

See girlies posing...

See Baby Cousin grabbing...

See adorable family smiling...

See Nanna getting her Christmas wish of pictures with grandbabies...

All the grandbabies...


Now...after a lunch break a little after noon, and a bit of mental regrouping, the third major phase of the Christmas Day can commence.

Those glorious, slightly less frantic hours when we make the kiddos rank the gifts in terms of the ones they want assembled/opened first, and we actually get to play.

I took the first round of upstairs that involved Lego assembling, spa relaxing and squish-em making..

Then an hour or two later, we pivoted, and the hubby led the charge for the second round draft pick of gifts, the included Chica’s camera, Chicklet’s animal rescue Barbie set, and Little Man’s Mario hot wheels...

Oh! And Chicklet’s squishes, that took about an hour to firm up in the mold, were complete! 

Then after both round of toy assembling and playing, we took a bit of time to regroup and make dinner, before the final event of the night: the birthday celebration for Jesus!

It truly was just a wonderful Christmas Day around our household.

I’m sooooo grateful to have made such beautiful memories with a few of our family members during this Covid year—but most especially, to mark Baby Cousin’s first Christmas in festive style (I hope).

So many of her baby milestones have been overrun or overcome by health concerns, social distancing impossibilities, family members fallen ill, or just the yuck that is 2020.

Baby showers canceled, newborn visits a no-go, a Halloween ironically ruined because of a massive ice storm and a week-long power loss, a Thanksgiving baptism canceled due to Covid-sick grandparents, a great-grandparent introduction on hold indefinitely because of rising cases and impossible air travel, and on and on and on.

So I hope this was at least a bit of normalcy and celebration for her first little holiday season, and a true honor and joy to have her with us. :)

Our company departed this morning and our crew settled in for a few days of slow regrouping with a lot of play, play, play.

But I hope you and yours had a happy and safe holiday and are now enjoying these beautiful in-between days before a NEW YEAR is on the horizon.

Over and out. 

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