Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Holiday Sugar Cookies—TREE Style!

So...we’re in the midst of this 12 Days of Christmas Projects fun that I’ve always wanted to try (just a made up challenge by Yours, Truly, to see if we can manage 12 days of project/craft/baking fun leading up to the big day).

I’ll post more about it mañana. For now, all you need to know is that today was the sugar cookie day! And I managed to finally make this gorgeous little tree that’s been on my wish list for about four years—ever since Nanna gifted me the cutters.

Better late than never, amiright??

I seriously loved baking and assembling it, and it was fairly easy breezy, to be honest. In a non-Covid year, finding a way to wrap/package these up would make for such a lovely little homemade gift to neighbors or friends.

Maybe someday, right?

For now...here’s the package of cookie cutters:

And my dough turned out so perfect this go around. That’s the one thing about our family sugar cookie recipe (at least when I bake them)—it can yield varying results and you sometimes don’t know what you’re gonna get!

Now, I’ll full admit to bypassing the kiddos’ involvement in rolling out the dough and letting them go nuts with the shapes.

With our round of Halloween sugar cookies still relatively fresh (with lots o’ mess, ha) in my mind, I did this bit on my own so that we could just maximize the decorating time without much angst. So I just duplicated a handful of the smaller stars so the kiddos could immediately launch in with icing and sprinkles.

And my babies were all pretty jolly after school so they were smiley and ready to go. :)

Oh—and it was Reindeer Day. Here they were before school:

And just look at Chicklet’s adorable Grinch hat from yesterday:

And please note her near-immediate nightgown status, once home. ;) She’s a quick change master, that one.

And...they’re off! :)

I may or may not have just let them gobble up both cookies after their decorating. ;)

A happy cookie day, and another day down on this final week of school before the holiday!

Hump Day, mañana, peeps.

Stay healthy, stay sane.

Over and out. 

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