Friday, December 18, 2020

Nailed It (Holiday Pajama Style)!

Oh. My. Freaking. Goodness, peeps.


We made it to the finish line of school before the holiday—and we’re officially halfway through the school year, to boot!

Amen, Halleluiah.

We have truly, madly, deeply been having so much fun the past couple of weeks with all of our holiday tidbits, but I’m not gonna lie: at some point over the the last two days, my battery life powered down to low.

I’m soooooo ready to reboot a bit over the next two weeks, and then usher in a NEW YEAR.

Luckily, no matter what our holiday brings, I know these crazies will make it wildly eventful. :)

I mean, if they’re not the portrait of pure holiday hot mess comfort, I don’t know what is!

And for anyone out there wondering...why, yes, yes, it was pajama day at school today. 

And in case your also wondering...why, yes, yes it was the epitome of awesomesauce-ness to roll out of bed in the clothes you slept in and go to school exactly as you are.

I mean, in Chicklet’s case, she even slept in her sequined slippers that she got to bring in her backpack and wear in the classroom. She was ready. (Side note: I actually realized she was sick and missed her last day of school before the holiday in kindergarten, so this was her first pajama day. Woohoo!).

And don’t even get me started about the blankets and pillows and stuffed animals that got to tag along, as well. Not to mention teacher gifts and classmate goodie bags and holiday party food donations.

I mean, my babies were weighed down walking into school.

But they were high on life and lit up like Christmas trees; so excited for the special day to wrap up the year. :)

And not to be outdone...Little Man stayed in his pajamas all day, as well (though this is not at all unusual on days he doesn’t have school, ha), and looked ridiculously festive in a way that made my heart burst.

Ahhh, the life of happy kiddos. What a glorious thing it is. :)

And do you know what else is a glorious thing??? 

Spending two hours after school, sorting through projects and school paperwork and gift bags and throwing backpacks and coats and face masks in the washer and sanitizing lunch boxes and throwing water bottles in the dishwasher, and then putting it ALL IN ITS PLACE OUT OF SIGHT for a solid two weeks.

MY Christmas gift is not packing school lunches for 16 sleeps.

Again, can I get an AMEN, HALLELUJAH.

Looking forward to NO morning alarm, and then 48 hours spent cooking and baking and cleaning (but with a low-stress, happy elf sort of vibe) before family drives in town Monday for a much-scaled-back-and-minus-some-loved-ones-because-of-travel-and-exposure-challenges, but hopefully festive and healthy holiday.


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