Tuesday, December 1, 2020

This Elf Exhausted Herself!

Well, m’peeps.

I did it.

It happened.

It took pretty much the whole day, but I wrapped up Christmas in a giant, jolly bow by finishing my Christmas shopping.

And I mean all of my Christmas shopping.

And, man, am I exhausted. 

I should absolutely note that it’s not my typical style to be quite this early bird with my list. Even when I’m mentally organized, I tend to spread out the costs and methodically purchase over a span of several weeks (or even a month or two).

But there’s something about this unpredictable Covid year of ours, the desire not to be out amongst germs, and the fear that at any moment, one or all of my kiddos (or my hubby, or myself) could be home sick or quarantined. Those thoughts totally lit a fire within me to get the ho ho whole list (aside from what I already tackled online) completed in one giant haul. As my Target bill can attest. ;)

I mean, I even knocked out teacher gifts and holiday stamps for our Christmas cards. It was a no-stone-left-unturned kind of shopping day.

Thankfully, I truly enjoyed my Elf Day—or at least 99% of it, until the very final errand, just before racing back home to start dinner. That’s about the time my legs felt like they were vibrating from literally racing around all day, ha.

I’m gonna sleep well tonight.

And these sugarplums of mine (yup, those pajamas were purchased today, too) should be happy, happy, joy, joy, come the 25th.

It’s absolutely not lost on me each and every year that we have so very many blessings to count as a family. It’s an absolute gift and joy that I try and appreciate to its fullest.

Which makes me so excited to spend the next phase of our holiday season focusing on the giving—which is, of course, the best bit of all.

Happy December, peeps.

Can’t believe it’s finally here.

And I also can’t believe it’s taken so long.

Live up the magic.

And stay healthy and sane.

Over and out. 

P.S. The hubby has only two gifts to tackle himself, and here’s betting it will take until the 24th. ;)

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