Monday, February 15, 2021

Our SNOW In San Antonio!

Well, m’peeps.

For once, the hype panned out.

We really and truly DID get a blast of ice and snow down here in our South Texas hill country.

And though I know it brings so many complications of power outages and frozen pipes and dangerous road conditions and school closures...I can’t help but recognize the bit of magic it brings, as well.

At least for our kiddos, who only experience snow once in a blue moon.

As it was already deemed a virtual day of school, we let the kiddos wake up at their leisure (they had a sleepover together in Little Man’s room, as it’s the warmest upstairs bedroom for such unusual, single-digit temperatures), and witnessed through the monitor, the exact moment they opened the shutters and saw the snow. Their reactions were priceless.

And I can’t blame them, as there’s really something foreign about seeing snow around our pool or on our palm trees, ha.

But there were negotiations in place before the fun could begin.

School work first.

Snow play later.

Thankfully, they buckled down and we completed all assignments by lunch, so around 1:30 p.m., we were ready to suit up and head out (complete with Chicklet holding the carrot for the snowman, tehe).

And so much fun was had by all. :)

With the sun shining while we were out, we managed a decent chunk of time outside before the snow infiltrated the rain boots and melted into gloves and the kiddos started to freeze a bit.

But it was such a treat to have this RARE and precious snow time, right outside our front door.

And, lastly...can we please enjoy the juxtaposition of these tulips the hubby gave me for Valentine’s Day with the freezing cold snow day. I dig to.

It’s another virtual school day tomorrow, so wish us luck and focus.

Stay healthy, stay sane (and warm!), peeps.

Over and out. 

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