Monday, March 1, 2021

Disaster Doodles!

Well, peeps.

If you’ve followed along on this here blog for any length of time, you probably know a few things about my mothering clutch moves by now.

So you’ve probably recognized—‘cause I’ve declared it about a gazillion times—two major things that help keep me sane when I’m feeling a bit topsy turvy:

Some good ole-fashioned organization/cleaning, and...

A solid project.

Pretty much everything in our life can be insane in the membrane ( it is right about now), but if I can set aside a bit of project or creativity time with m’babies, it really centers me and allows me some happy, quality time with them.

So I’m extra-special grateful for the doodling we’ve managed over the past two weeks (even on days when chaos reigned supreme and we had no running water, ha). These “disaster doodles” during our winter storm, and even in the intense, initial aftermath days of our burst water pipe, are certainly a bright spot.

And I’m also extra-special grateful for a solid Monday with my crazies, and some bonus coloring time after school.

So, without further delay...our art work. :)


(Side note: I was informed by my boy that my sunset just looked like a rainbow, and the grass in the Savannah was yellow, not green. Bah.)


Swing set:

Luke Skywalker:

And...our lovely stained glass coloring from today. 

I’ve managed to get the upstairs and all of our relocated belongings a bit more organized over the past couple of days, so it’s not as bad trying to walk around the playroom without risking a turned ankle, ha.

More mañana about the state of the home, in general, and the next steps regarding our water disaster.

T-minus four school days ‘til Spring Break!

Over and out. 

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