Friday, March 19, 2021

Under The Weather Nugget


Thanks to face masks and social distancing, we’ve cut way way down on germs in our household this past year. Blessedly. As we’d been through three or four of the hardest pre-K/early elementary, sick-ick years, prior to the pandemic. Colds, croup, fevers-for-no-reasons, strep throat, stomach bugs in constant rotation. Oye. 

So I suppose that absence of constant sick-ick is why it feels so strange to have a kiddo under the weather. :(

Poor Chicklet began sneezing before bed last night, and then came crying to us hours later, around 10 p.m., saying she just couldn’t breathe, and she’d been sniffling, and sniffling and sniffling. Poor girl. She was very over-tired and congested.

So we played some musical beds (as the three kiddos are currently in a room together during our winter disaster hoopla, and I didn’t want her to wake the others with her sniffles, poor girl).

So the hubby moved into his temporary office (a.k.a. Chica’s bedroom) and my Chicklet slept with me. Though I say “slept” in the loosest sense.

She tossed and turned for hours before finally succumbing to exhaustion after midnight. And then spent a terrible remainder of the night, never getting comfortable, and frequently waking with some fitful dreams and general bodily restlessness. Boooo.

But her internal clock still went off (or perhaps she heard us moving around) at the crack of Dawn when it was time to take Chica to school, and begged to go, as well.


With no fever, no cough, and nothing beyond the congestion and sneezing (is this crazy-severe allergies) I ended up relenting and letting her go. But my baby was SO tired by evening that she passed out in Mama and Daddy’s bed (well, our temporary bed, also known as Little Man’s) about two seconds after her head hit the pillow, with the light still on.

She’s still next to me and has spent at least a solid three hours out cold, so here’s hoping her exhaustion will help her rest soundly.

I pray my beautiful, almost-birthday-girl feels rejuvenated by tomorrow.

And doesn’t develop further, worrisome symptoms.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

P.S. Maybe I should have seen it as a sign when she was tired and eager to skip dance class yesterday afternoon in favor of low-key, at-home family time.

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