Thursday, April 8, 2021

Blue is Golden

So...I’m just gonna apologize right here, right now for anybody offended by the image below. But if you knew the intricacies of my life at the moment (in particular, the past few days), you’d understand it’s warranted!

So, this is me, giving a giant, enthusiastic middle finger to anybody and anything trying to bring me down at the moment. (Complete with an older ring of mine I resurfaced because blue just seemed to be the order of the day after my delicate mood yesterday. And because it matches the restored pool to perfection).

Fun fact: I name pretty much everything in my life. All sorts of inanimate objects. Including jewelry.

This beautiful ring is named Elsa. And Elsa the aquamarine is literally the exact color of our pool that’s settled into just the most gorgeous color. And it’s really been an uplifting sight out our windows the past few days. Finally, something we bled money over that ended on a positive note!

I don’t generally wear jewelry to match my mood. More often, it’s to match my clothing.


Every now and then, I bust one out when I’m feeling symbolic.

Big Bird, my lovely yellow diamond (the first major bit of jewelry the hubby gifted me about fifteen years ago) is pretty much my daily right-handed ring.

But I sometimes bust out Elsa when I’m feeling bright. And she often comes out to play more in the summer months.

I have a lovely purple amethyst ring, who is named Jellyfish, because her setting reminds me of the tentacles a bit. She tends to be more of an outfit matcher and a springtime kind of gal.

Just before Little Man was born, the hubby gifted me a fire opal that’s this flaming orange hue, and the setting is substantial, ha. Practically to the knuckle. So I occasionally wear it when I’m feeling like I need some extra oomph, or I’m facing something daunting. It’s name is Drogon (after the dragon; so apt for my fire opal, and it was named during the height of Game of Thrones, naturally). 

And then there’s this cool woven black ring he game me that I only bust out once in a blue moon, and it’s when I’m feeling a bit dark and broody, ha.

But really, don’t overanalyze my jewelry choices if you see me, because it’s only on occasion that I mood match. ;)

Also...if you’re reading the above list and thinking I’m a spoiled brat of a woman, I would tend to agree after running through a handful like that. Kind of tacky, really, yes?? But I swear, swear, they’ve been gifted over the span of a nearly 20 (20 YEARS NEXT YEAR!) marriage, so perhaps that makes it a teensy bit less obnoxious?? I hope.


I’m grateful for Elsa (and Elsa), and the boost to my mood that she provided.

Man, has life really been trying to get us down. Just an onslaught of challenges that have really weighed on me. I’ve mentally regrouped and cheered up more times that I thought imaginable in the past few weeks, but I have to believe there are smoother days ahead.

And I’m sooooooo grateful for so many things—even on the challenging days!

I’m even grateful for this handsome little dude of mine, after he accidentally knocked over one of my potted figs in the playroom tonight, in his excitement to see a deer out back. Naturally, the soil went EVERYWHERE on the carpet, and also landed in the middle of an in-progress LEGO creation, so I had to separate soil from pieces before I could even clean it up, ha.

Still love him to pieces and bits, though. :)

So here’s to forging ahead, even through the tough spells. And looking at the positives (like an aquamarine view!) whenever and wherever possible.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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