Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Planting A Little Joy

I mean...I dare you to look at the smooshy face of this eager gardener and not wanna plant something pretty. 

UGH. I just wanna squeeze her adorable little face!

Alas...she got in the car after school, all sad faced because she didn’t have time to plant a little garden with her class, and she was just blue, blue, blue about it.
And I just couldn’t have that.

So since we didn’t have anything major to do after school (and since we spent a glorious afternoon yesterday, playing and working on happy homework in the playroom), I drove us straight to grab what we needed to plant some happy pots and turn that frown upside down.

My crazies were SO full of joy and excitement, browsing the selection, and making their choices. And Mama snagged a couple things, too, as I’ve been trying to gather a few new plants/small shrubs little by little.

And the best thing about a hot mess express house that doesn’t even have flooring, is that you can have a planting party indoors, and it’s no biggie!

My babies were sooooo eager and happy to fill the bottom of their pots with some pebbles. Then scoop in some soil...

And they all thought the flowers were so “squishy” and fun when they removed them from the plastic and felt the roots before officially planting them. :)

Love the concentration... :)

And...some water!

I just adore how they turned out, and it’s such a reminder of the enthusiasm my babies have for getting in the dirt and caring for something alive.

For years now, I’ve wanted to plant a very small vegetable garden area, as I think the kiddos would seriously dig it, so...who knows. Maybe this might be the year!

If not, something to look forward to.

And until then, we’ll dote on our little pots. :)

SO grateful for two afternoons/evenings of solid time with my babies.

I’ve been so focused on giving them some devoted time and attention and throwing some fun into the mix, and their joy has definitely been evident.

The week is about to take a turn for the crazy as we barrel toward the complete demo of the kitchen. I’ve got a LOT to do tomorrow to prepare.

So I’m especially grateful for the last two days we’ve had. And I’m going to try to hold onto the feeling of devoted play/quality/non-house-restoration time with my babies as we head into this next yucky period. And know that this, too, shall pass. Eventually!

Happy Tuesday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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