Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Countdown Begins

Well, peeps.

I’ve been a little quiet on this here blog for a couple of days because it’s been a pretty rough week.

Lots of contractor frustrations, confrontations, re-done work, exorbitant estimates for new things that seem to break on this house daily, poor interpersonal skills and attitudes and basically nobody showing up when they say they will, or providing services according to original parameters set. 

It’s been no bueno.

And, also, it’s provided very interesting teaching moments for my babies (who are always watching and listening) about what it means to be honest, true to your word, and not over-promise and/or under-deliver. And what it means for Mama and Daddy to have bad days or frustrations, because we’re only human, too.

It’s so fascinating to watch their little brains try and work through these types of situations. We try so hard to teach them to be decent and kind human beings, but lately, we don’t seem to be running into many of those, as it relates to this ever-loving house of ours. Not a whole lot of aspirational examples to set our sights on. Oye.


Come hell or high water (though dear Godmother Lisa wisely said perhaps I shouldn’t use those specific words, ha), we are moving some furniture back into the house on Saturday.

Even though it feels so far from ready for us to occupy any of the downstairs spaces.

I have a feeling that moving stuff back in is just going to cause me a lot of extra work moving forward when I have to try and keep certain zones free and clear—and clean!—from ongoing contractor work, but nearly three months in, we just HAVE to start reclaiming our house again. For our sanity. And to physically FORCE this project onward and upward.


Wish us a lot of steady work tomorrow to at least try and wrap up the master bedroom and living room zones well enough to start re-staging those areas over the weekend.

And wish us patience and sanity for the next couple of rough days.

Also...perhaps wish us more of the beautiful, sparkly fairy dust-like pick-me-up of kiddos coming home with heart-melting artwork. Like this simple and sweet little poster Chicklet made for me at school yesterday. :)


If any contractors try to mess with me tomorrow, I’m just gonna send my boy their way. 


And, someday, I will totally and completely, absolutely, have NOTHING I want or need to share about anything relating to our casa.

But that’s not yet

So until then...over and out.

P.S. I almost forgot the other MAJORLY IMPORTANT “countdown” part of this post. I just realized today that my kiddos have only 21 school days left before the end of the year.

Cue equal parts excitement and parental panic.

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