Monday, April 26, 2021

The Hubby’s 4-0

Well, peeps.

The hubby hit a major birthday milestone today, and although it would have been nice to really live it up with something major, it felt kind of right to just celebrate it like any other trip around the sun. :)

Perhaps for these banner years, it’s best not to place emphasis on the event and number, amiright?? ;)

Nevertheless, it was important to make Daddy feel special. And it was so fortuitous that the kiddos had dentist appointments this morning, so we all got to sleep in and they got to wake Daddy with some birthday cheer before we all went about the tasks of our day.

And, in other fun news to report: all three of my crazies had excellent dentals reports. :) Little Man is already cutting his molars, Chicklet had hers sealed, and Chica got an A+ for keeping her mouth healthy, despite her expander and mouth full o’ metal. All. Good. Things.

But, now.

Back to the hubby.

You know, I’ve had many an opportunity over the past three months for emotional breakdowns or good old fashioned heart-to-hearts over the somewhat unbelievable run of events we’ve faced since moving to San Antonio two years ago.

I don’t want to make it sound overly dramatic, but when you sum it all up (and believe me, we do, on occasions), these have certainly been our hardest years.

And, yet.

We’ve kept our collective levity and perspective through it all (when possible), and readily admit that we each have our strengths we bring to the table that help us make it through with some sanity. And we also try to appreciate and acknowledge the strengths of one another.

I’ll be the first to admit that the hubby has taken the lead in the past few months with a lot of the heavy emotional and logistical lifting. 

In fact, for the first time in more than two decades together, I’ve passed the ball on a handful of things and just told him to leave me out of it, for my own mental health. It’s certainly been a necessary evil for us to divide and conquer the onslaught we’ve faced.

Perhaps because of all this—and because of the appropriate house-related lyrics—I’ve had a morale-boosting song on repeat lately. And it’s definitely one that I’ll forevermore associate with this time of our lives.

I love the groove of this song (and so do the kiddos). We love us some Maren. It’s about two years old, I think, so google it and give it a listen if you never have. It’s a winner.

Here are some of the lyrics...

We’re in the homestretch
Of the hard times.

We took a hard left
But we’re all right.

Yeah, life sure can try to put love through it, but
We built this right, so nothing’s ever gonna move it.

When the bones are good, the rest don’t matter
Yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter
Let it rain, cause you and I remain the same.

When there ain’t a crack in the foundation
Baby, I know any storm we’re facing
Will blow right over while we stay put
The house don’t fall when the bones are good.

I’m so grateful to have my hubby as part of my foundation—on this milestone birthday, and every other day.

And here’s hoping someday in the future, he and I can run away for a little trip or adventure on a random month and day for no reason at all, and live it up.

Just because.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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