Sunday, May 23, 2021

A Return To Church! soon as the hubby and I were fully vaccinated (as of 10 days ago), we made it a family goal to make it back to in-person church.

A goal so small but so significant that it felt like a milestone worthy of a front porch photo shoot.

My babies were all dressed and lovely and color coordinated. It was a must. :)

And we even managed a family selfie on our way to breakfast. this point, we were still jolly, despite the fact that we were running so far behind schedule that we predicted this would all be for naught and we’d miss the service by the time we finished up breakfast (note to self: perhaps don’t tackle home haircuts for the men in the family when you’re trying to make it to church for the first time in nearly 15 months. But that was Daddy’s brilliant idea, ha). 


We ended up at a perfect outdoor table at a new place we love down the street, and everything went smoothly and swiftly. Woohoo!

It’s still such a simple joy to be able to eat out as a family. It brings lots of smiles and happy tummies. 

It’s almost hard to believe that we managed haircuts and getting all dolled up and out the door, and fed, and to church—on time. I mean, we never make it on time. It was a blessed return for us, indeed.

And it was so special to sit in the pew as a family, while the kiddos colored quietly throughout the entire sermon, and marvel at how far we’ve come from the days of incredible tension and stress as we tried—often in vain—to make it through just a few minutes in the sanctuary with our three tiny babies.

Those days were strenuous. And we often made it home without truly registering a single word of the service. But we had faith that the ritual and example of attendance was not in vain. And every time I hear one of my babies trying to speak along to the words of The Lord’s Prayer or the Nicene Creed, I see the tiny seeds growing within them and know they are absorbing so much more than we ever realize.

It was a good Sunday.

And a good weekend, overall.

Filled with lots of productivity, little household projects, rain, pajamas, downtime and family time.

And family TV tonight with candy treats. :)

On the home front, it’s going to be another busy week with contractors as we close in on the final push to get the kitchen put back together.

Knowing our luck, there will be some unexpected snafu that will keep us from getting countertops placed, and we’ll head into our 16th week (insert crying emojis) still limping toward the finish line. 

But...I’m trying to think positive.


On that note, I’ll leave you with some pics of the minor—but major, to me—progress of putting things back in kitchen cabinets.

Here was the space of our add-on pantry a few weeks ago:

And here it is now. Woohoo!

Woefully understocked, but we’re back in business!

It is such a freaking JOY to have a place for all our snacks again, instead of tracking them down in Chica’s room, on the upstairs landing, or in the hallway leading to the guest bedroom, ha.

And, look! Plates back in the upper cabinets! I kind of teared up a bit.

And really look! We have hardware on the cabinets!

I can’t put anything in the lower cabinets until the countertops are placed (fingers crossed) mid week. But just having something back in any cabinet is outstanding.


Baby kitchen steps.

We’ll get there.

Last note on the baby steps front: it was truly lovely to make it back to in-person church, but we’ll probably continue to spilt our time with virtual and on site through the summer.

The church has yet to start back all of its ministry offerings, and Kid’s Word Time (when the kiddos get to leave the sanctuary during the sermon and go to their own little church/Bible study mini session) has not yet started back. There just simply aren’t enough staff members and volunteers yet as we peek our heads out from Covid world.

Chicklet was particularly saddened by this news and even cried a bit when she found out. But we have to believe things will be even closer to normal when the summer ends and a new school year begins.

And in the meantime, VBS is happening in mid-June, and the kiddos are registered and pumped to be attending. 

So...we’ll get there. Eventually. But as with everything, it will be a few steps forward and a few steps back as we continue to see what this new world of ours looks like.

Live up the last of the weekend, peeps, and let’s go this Monday right!

Over and out. 

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