Monday, May 10, 2021

A SUPER Monday

So...our Monday was kind of super fantastic.

But first, let me backtrack.

By the time I finally shut out the light around midnight last night, I was still so manic from from the frantic go-go-go of the previous 72 hours, and my body was so sore and achy that it was another hour or two before I fell asleep.


So when the alarm went off at 6:10 a.m., I felt a bit broken, ha.

But my boy and I had the rare, rare opportunity of nowhere to be and nobody marching through our door with power tools, so we had the best lazy morning (despite so much still to be done) and his snuggles were restorative.

Truly, one is the loveliest silver linings of this whole water disaster whoopla has been the snuggle time we’ve spent in Little Man’s bed, which has pretty much been the central zone for family time while we’ve been crammed upstairs.

I’m actually a bit worried to see how my boy is gonna react when we have to move our large, master bedroom television back where it belongs, and he no longer feels like it’s “his.” Ha.

Oh, well. A problem for a later date, when we re-settle even further.

For now, I’m soooooooo ever-loving cognizant of the fact that my beautiful one-on-one time with my youngest is absolutely numbered. 

The girlies only have 14 school days left (and he only has SIX, since he’s just Tuesday/Thursday), before school is out for the summer. And we are SO ready for that after the most challenging school year in recent history. Bar none.

But as soon as school’s back in session, this giant boy of mine will be a kindergartner, and my three babies will rock elementary school together.

Bittersweet, for sure.

Thankfully, I’m so aware of the strange gift of having my babies underfoot so much during this global pandemic, so there is a decent bit of sweet to counteract the bitter.

But I’m trying my best to live in the moment is these final preschool days with my youngest. 

Okay...back to today.

After some restorative snuggles, and lunch and grocery shopping, it was time to grab the girlies and try to pack in some fun for the afternoon.

Starting with snow cones! I love this hilarious pic where I accidentally caught two of them mid brain freeze, ha.

Then it was back home, all hyped up on sugar, to bust out a PROJECT. Something that we’ve done far too little over during the past few months.

I’m really digging this new line from Target. I even love the packaging. And I snagged this over the weekend with high hopes of some happy normalcy.

I have my eyes on multiple crafts from the line, but for starters, I went with this simple but happy one. And the kiddos were so pumped just to be at the kitchen table together, doing something so familiar that they love. :)

Lots of smiles. 

And I love that it wasn’t enough to just have the masks. They needed wings, too. Of course!

I have so many memories of these adorable butterfly wings. They’re precious dress-up items in this casa, for sure. 

I love these crazies. SO MUCH.

Mama made a mask, too. ;)

I mean...truly, it felt like we all had an extra pep in our step to be in the kitchen and the living room, and to finally feel like more is being put back together around this crazy casa, rather than ripped apart.

I finally feel like we’re close to the finish line of putting all of this behind us.

And I can’t even describe the relief of feeling like we’ve made it past the worst. This has been a trial, for sure. With a lot of stress and tears along the way. Which made it even lovelier to have happy years just seeing my babies on the living room couch again

Grateful for a strong start to the week, and we’re going to do all we can to keep things positive. We have some happy activities and food choices planned, and I’m just praying to keep things jovial for a few days.

We deserve it, I think!

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out.

P.S. My babies and I on this day, last year:

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