Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Growing Kid Crew

Check out my crazy-cute babies, all snuggly-silly before bedtime tonight:

They were good and worn out after another fun play date at our neighborhood playground after school.

What began six weeks ago as a one-off with a family down the street has really turned into one of our most enjoyable bits of the week.

And a way to begin piecing back together any shreds of a social life, following this lengthy year + of social distancing.

The rain has gifted us cooler temperatures on Wednesdays over the past couple of weeks, and that means other groups of Mamas and kiddos wandering up to the playground, as well.

Which means that, in addition to our original family we’ve been playing with, I’ve now recruited a new one—after Little Man made a connection with two little brothers (boys are so exciting when he’s typically surrounded by girls for his playmates, ha). They returned this week to meet up with all of us again, and then today...

I recruited yet another family, tehe. A lovely Mama—even newer to our neighborhood than my crazy crew—and her slightly younger kiddos.

Throughout my adult years, and especially my adult Mama years, I’ve learned to accept the fact I often have solid and meaningful friendships that come and go for various reasons, perhaps lasting for a year or two, or for a concentrated phase of parenting, and then naturally evolving or dissipating.

Be it relocation or major life changes or a global pandemic (oye), friendships often ebb and flow.

And that’s okay.

Who knows if any of these Mama and kiddo friendships will evolve into something close-knit and monumental, or simply fulfill a very clear, short-term void that exists for so many of us in this strange time of re-emergence.

For now, all I can feel is gratitude.

For connections. For smiles. For fresh air and adult conversation. And the happy voices of kiddos running around and just enjoying the camaraderie.

We’ll take what we can get, and thank our lucky stars. :)

Sooooo ready for it to be Thursday and then Friday, ha. But I need to hunker down and really get a bunch of to-dos crossed of my list maƱana, so wish me luck and productivity!

Over and out. 

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