Thursday, May 27, 2021

Little Man’s Preschool Graduation!

Well, peeps.

Today was a nostalgic, bittersweet, lovely kind of milestone day. 

And not just because we watched the Friends Reunion special. ;)

Because my Little Man—my youngest baby, who is whip-smart, growing like a weed, animated as all get-out, and charming me to no end these days—graduated from preschool today.


(And I didn’t even tell him to pose so perfectly like that!)

And it was just the sweetest little ceremony—as well as a bit of closure, and a chance at some beautiful photos in cap and gown to officially end my preschool mothering years


You know, we enjoyed a sweet little musical ceremony when Chica “graduated” preschool. But it was kind of a stuffy environment, and with two very young babies underfoot and a very packed crowd, it was quite stressful at the time.

And poor Chicklet was cheated out of one, because we moved to SA just about two months before she wrapped up her preschool years, so I kept her with me during the transition, rather than tossing her in a new school for such a short time.

So it was really such a delight to enjoy Little Man’s official event today—and in no small part due to the fact that he’s SO prepared for kindergarten. So the feelings are far less mournful as he closes out this chapter.

My boy is ready. And I’m so excited for his next learning phase.

Hilariously, I had more than one fellow parent today tell me how well my boy was posing for pictures, and it’s so true! He was proud and in rare form today, and that royal blue cap and gown was so handsome on him. :)

Plus...I admittedly force my kiddos to take a gazillion pics every day, so they’re old pros at it, ha. ;)

He kept saying: Oh, let’s take a pic by that bush. Now by that tree. Oh! What about the swing set. Ha. There was absolutely no arm twisting involved. 

I just love the juxtaposition of the graduation attire with the playground. Reminds me that he’s still my little boy, even when he seems like a preteen!

That mischievous smile...

He was so proud to receive a graduation trophy during the ceremony, and gladly showed it off to his sissies after school.

After wrapping up such a lovely, tiny ceremony, I was also so grateful to enjoy a solid, low key bit of quality time with him for the rest of the morning and early afternoon.

I promised to treat each of my kiddos to a little end-of-school-year prize, and Little Man selected a Minions LEGO set that he was so excited about. 

So classic for us to spend our final day as buddies without the whole gang home, just building and chilling.

The girlies only have a half day tomorrow, and we are ready to celebrate BIG TIME the end of this unprecedented school year.

But, honestly, we have a pretty busy holiday weekend ahead of us with so much to wrap up with the home restoration over the next couple of days, that it will at least be a solid week before it sets in that it’s SUMMER, and I’m able to regroup and re-set my Mama brain for all that entails.

But I’m here for it, and can’t wait. 

Especially for that extra bit of sleep in the morning! I’m ready to relax that six o’clock wake-up alarm a bit. For REAL.

I’m the meantime...the girlies selected their celebratory presents and Chicklet is obsessed with her robot. :)

And Chica went for this mermaid stuffed animal that changes colors when you bathe it. summarize:

My boy is kindergarten bound.

It was a joyful milestone day.

And it will be another banner one mañana—followed by a weekend of lots of work.

But summer...BRING. IT. ON. We’re ready!

Happy Almost Friday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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