Saturday, May 15, 2021

Mondo (Painting) Mania!

So...looksie what we did yesterday afternoon to celebrate TGIF!


For the first time in months. YAY, to having a kitchen table again for crafting fun (*jazz hands*)!

As I mentioned earlier this week when we busted out the superhero mask project, I’m really loving this new Tar-jay line of projects and craft materials.

It’s not like any of it is particularly groundbreaking in its originality. It’s more like I’m really a fan of the fresh packaging and the shapes/colors/creatures they’ve chosen for pretty basic projects. And the quality is pretty high.

And since we’ve been so project-light for the past few months while the casa has been torn up, anything seems really freaking awesome.

Sometime soon, I’ll type up a post about our fun summer intentions for the next few months, but for now, I’ll just say that I think we’re going to work our way through this line of crafts as part of our project-time fun.

I even placed an online order for a handful of things I wanted to snag before they sold out. Woohoo.


One more note on the TGIF painting fun. It was actually part of a larger let’s-do-tons-of-happy-things mantra this week.

Basically, the hubby had to be out of town, and we were all a bit blue about it—especially after 14 months of pretty much non-stop quarantined time, ha. So on Monday, after he flew out and I had to face sad faces on all my babies, I told them to think of things they loved or that made them happy. Or even things that Daddy sometimes said no to, tehe.

And then we worked our way through all of it this week.

It was a great way to keep them distracted and keep them focused on their ever-growing list of demands.


Snow cones...

Re-runs of some of our favorite TV shows (hello, Sofia!) on the returned couch...

Project time...

A made up “Target Tuesday” that involved going immediately after school to buy a toy they didn’t need or earn, and then top it with popcorn and an Icee, ha...

Sleepovers with Mama, three days in a row (so that each baby got a turn being my bed buddy while the others were scattered throughout the room), and even a night of staying up late watching Crikey...

We had Happy Meals, and Chick-fil-A, and pizza that Daddy can’t eat (and a few veggies thrown in there, ha. A play date with friends, donuts before dance class, and just lots of thinking about things we enjoy.

And we just basically lived our best happy-via-massive-distraction life.

And the cherry on the sundae was their request to paint. Which I love. Because it means they associate it as such a happy, indulgent activity.

All three of them even said it was the best part of their day when we went around answering that question, like we always do, at the dinner table. :)


My babies lurv to paint, and I’m glad we can again.

They had the best indulgent wee to distract from missing Daddy.

And...the hubby is now home!

Prepare for a far more painful post tomorrow that recaps the unfortunate thing that capped off our week last night.

Until then...

Happy Saturday!

Over and out. 

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