Saturday, May 1, 2021

NOT Moving Day


Remember in the last post when I was basically like: we’re moving furniture in on Saturday, no matter what.


Best laid plans.

You know how that goes. :(

As it turns out, today was NOT moving day, for a multitude of reasons.

First, because there is still a decent chunk of interior painting and/or ceiling/wall damage touch-ups, and the furniture would just be in the way. 

Second, because of all that painting and touch-up work that still needs to be done, if I cleaned the new hardwood floors and started staging our furniture and belongings again, I would be going insane in the membrane trying to keep areas clean from contractors tracking dirt and debris and construction-related messes everywhere. And it just exhausts me to think of doing that kind of chasing-my-tail daily work.

And third, the real Mother Nature kicker: we’ve had torrential downpours over the past 48 hours. Flash flooding for two days straight. So much water that our pool nearly (by like an eighth of an inch) flooded over today, and we had a swamp instead of a yard throughout our entire property. I pray that those in lower-lying areas have remained safe. And, obviously, these conditions are not ideal for a move.

So...we’re going to try again for next Saturday. And perhaps that was the timing that was meant to be all along, as the kitchen cabinets should (a dangerous word that I DON’T rely on these days) be installed on Wednesday.


When you subtract a move and add pouring rain, it equals a pretty lazy family day. :)

I managed a quick round of planting a few shrubs today during one brief spell in between storms (it was easier to manipulate the digging with wet soil), but beyond that, it was pajamas and laundry time and a family movie and video games, and that was probably a good thing. 

The kiddos certainly enjoyed it. :)

Tomorrow will be busier with church, some grocery shopping to try and freeze another week (boooo) of crock-pot dump meals, and then some mulch work in the yard, as it’s supposed to clear up.

So here’s to a low-key Saturday, even if it wasn’t the Saturday we’d hoped for. 

And perhaps this time next week—three months from the start of this disaster—we’ll finally begin to reassemble.

Stay healthy, stay sane (and dry!), peeps.

Over and out. 

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