Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Motherload Of A Mother’s Day Weekend!




This has been one eventful Mother’s Day Weekend!

One for the books, for sure.

On any typical Mother’s Day, I’d wish for a little pampering or relaxation. Or maybe just a nap, ha.

But really, at the end of the day, all I really really want is happy (non-stressful, non-bickering) time with my babies, and one picture where they don’t look like they’re in pain. :)

And for that wish, this year was GOLDEN.

The hubby reserved us a table at a nearby golf course club house for a lovely lunch, and the kiddos were full and happy and pretty compliant, hehe.

I adorable.

Also. They know me so well they even made me coupons, redeemable for Mother’s Day Pictures, ha. So they pretty much had to smile and be happy. :)

Family selfie!

Longhorn in the background. ;)

We named him Oreo years ago. He and his other Longhorn buddy, Brownie (we also named that one, ha), live at the golf course and we love to say hi to them.

Some bug watching...


Beyond this wonderful, yummy, thoughtful lunchtime reprieve, we absolutely worked ourselves to the bone this weekend. was MOVING DAY!! Finally!!

I mean, from lunchtime Friday until this moment (roughly 10 p.m. Sunday), the hubby and I labored HARD to put as much of this house back together as humanly possible. Both inside and out. And I really don’t think I’ll be able to walk tomorrow without a serious amount of Advil, and perhaps a heating pad and ice pack, in rotation, ha.

Friday afternoon and evening was all prep work. Mopping floors and really scrubbing things down and placing any of the rogue pieces of furniture we were able to keep in the house in random places. 

And then, Saturday morning, the movers were calling by 7:30 a.m., and I don’t think we took a breath until midnight, when we just collapsed in bed.

Then rinse, lather, repeat again today—with the addition of an insane amount of laundry and some yardwork.

Seriously. My legs are vibrating they hurt so bad.

But I’m sitting in bed eating a giant cookie, and basking in the knowledge of just how much we got done.

And just how close we are to the finish line of this restoration, and the end of house issues eating up all of our time and attention.

Basically, at this point, it’s a few weeks to finish the kitchen and deal with touch-ups/miscellaneous work. And considering we’re heading into Week 14, I wanna wrap this all up, stat!

In the meantime, I’ll remain massively appreciative of every bit of order that’s restored in this crazy casa, and every bit of normalcy we can enjoy. 

Like...a living room! Hello, happy living room. Sooooo nice to have you back!

And...another absolute joy today was dressing up our front porch that’s been an absolute disaster zone for three months. So many contractors beating it up. In addition to the winter storm doing a total number on the brick, causing it to crumble on sections, oye.

As part of the exterior refresh of painting the stucco, we knew we needed to finally address the porch. And due to an unfortunate and yucky series of HOA events (another story for another day), we decided to finally bite the bullet and just recover it with pavestone.

Hilariously, it has turned out to be one of our very favorite bits of restoration work, bar none. Something that definitely exceeded our expectations and really classes up the front of the house. Thank heavens—something that didn’t end in disaster!

I have this theory that the stone masonry restoration work has gone so well (this same company rebuilt our interior fireplace) because it’s been spearheaded by a woman, ha. The only female contractor we’ve worked with, period. She handles the estimates, scheduling, design, crew management, payment. And even sometimes drops of the trailers of supplies. She’s delightful, and her husband and various crew members complete the work.

I’ll show more pics someday soon (and tell the whole story and evolution of the porch in the two years since we purchased the home) but for now, some peeks as I was filling our new planter/benches late this evening, just as the sun was setting.

Heeere’s the beautiful stone.

It ties in so well with the rest of our exterior. And the crew selected and crafted the individual pieces so well as they were jigsaw-ing it all together.

Hello, happy mulch we just put down! And bench planters.

I seriously, SERIOUSLY don’t think our bodies could have handled one more task today, when we finally called it a day.

But it was a day—well, weekend, really—WELL spent.

Oh! And, AMEN, HALLELUJAH, to a meal at our dinner table for the first time in more than three months! (Panda Express, if you must know). And for my beautiful babies, who immediately fell back in routine and said, “What was the best part of your day??” The conversational topic of all our family meals. :)




To all!!

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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