Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Tie Dye Test Round!

Well, peeps.

Little Man had his LAST day of preschool today (though he has a small “graduation” ceremony Thursday morning), and the girlies have 2.5 days left.

Summer. Is. Happening.

And what better project to kick off the fun and heat than...tie dye!

It’s almost impossible to believe that in all my Mama years, throughout all of our project shenanigans, we’ve never tackled tie dye. At least not that I can remember, ha.

So it was high time, indeed.

Also, I feel like tie dye has been everywhere this past year, and I finally got sick of seeing all the project kits.

So I bought one.

Okay, two.


And yesterday, since Little Man never even got dressed, and the girlies were in old-ish clothes for their sometimes-messy STEAM day at school, I figured it was the perfect day to dive in.

I snagged an old, white shirt out of my closet, and pulled out the white dresses for the girlies and shirt for Little Man that I’d ordered off Amazon a week or two ago.

And we set about rolling our clothing like pinwheels and securing it with rubber bands in pie-like sections.

I feel like we learned a few things in this initial round of ours, and the first is that cotton seems to work best. The girlies’ dresses were a polyester blend, and the fabric just didn’t appear to soak in as much of the dye, at first glance.

But they still had fun dousing their clothing with color.

And then placing it in a plastic bag to soak overnight.

Another tidbit for the next round: I think shirts might be easier than dresses, as it’s hard to get the dye to cover the whole length of the dress without a bunch of white space. But perhaps if we changed up the tie-dye pattern from a traditional swirl, we could end up with something really saturated and coolio. There are endless patterns we could explore.

And lastly...I think my takeaway is Bold Is Best.

The bolder the colored the better.

The bolder the saturation, the better.

I mean, if you’re worried about putting too much dye on there...don’t be. Really soak it.

Super adorable, but really on the light and sparse side.

Hilariously, mine turned out best (which made the kiddos jealous, ha).

But we’re going to do another round, and I have no doubt we’ll SLAY it.

Super fun to tackle this classic and cool project that’s perfect for the summer, and I can’t wait to see what we produce next.

Happy Tuesday (is it only Tuesday???), peeps.

Over and out. 

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