Friday, June 18, 2021

A Week Of Abundance

Oh my heavens, peeps.

What a week of ABUNDANCE.

A week of abundant service.

A week of abundant energy (required of me, depleting from me, and coming at me).

A week of abundant HEAT.

A week of abundant exhaustion.

A week of abundant fellowship.

A week of abundant gratitude.

I mean…it was all the things, all rolled into one.

In case you can’t tell from both the above, and from the lack of posting on this here blog, it’s been an insanely busy week while we’ve been deep in the throes of Vacation Bible School.

It will definitely go down as one of our craziest of the Summer. And let’s just say that last night, I fell asleep on the couch at 7:45 p.m. while we watched some Crikey! as a family, and it felt like I was in a coma, ha.

When I officially pulled the trigger at the last minute and offered myself up as a volunteer for our church’s massive VBS production, I’ll be the first to admit that I secretly hoped I wouldn’t be called for active duty. And then when I was called, I again secretly hoped I’d be called for a pretty low-key job that I could sail my way through.

But God certainly had other plans, and I spent the week IN THE WEEDS with back-to-back groups like this, of rambunctious, excitable, mischievous, eager 4th graders, who were depending on me to pull it together and teach them something meaningful without boring them to tears like it was a sermon.

So entertain them, I DID.

We made noise (a LOT of it).

We hollered.

We acted out stories.

We sailed fake ships through thunderstorms.

We performed miracles.

We played games.

We rocked out to music.

We talked about LOTS.

We made Bible time lively.

And at the end of the day, all that ABUNDANCE OF WORK was a blessing for me when their smiling faces and chatty personalities let me know how happy they were to be in my “classroom.”

It might take me a whole year to recover my energy after all I’ve spent, but when VBS time rolls around again next year, I’m sure it will be like child birth and I’ll eagerly dive right in, forgetting the pain, and only remembering the joy.

And speaking of joy…my kiddos had SO MUCH FUN experiencing VBS this week themselves. Especially Chica, who I’d wrongly assumed might be growing a bit out of the age of loving it.

But, nope!

And my Little Man even cried today when it was over.

And then he and Chicklet promptly had the kind of massive meltdowns they rarely ever have, and totally signaled to me their COMPLETE EXHAUSTION.

Especially considering we threw a rowdy play and swim date into the mix yesterday with a handful of their little friends for several hours in the late afternoon!

Bottom line: tomorrow, I am NOT GETTING OUT OF MY PAJAMAS, ha. And neither are my babies.

We’re going to chill and recover and watch a family movie.

And then we’re going to shift gears for the next totally exciting event of our Summer: our impending trip to Wisconsin. WOOHOO!!

Okay…more when I have the energy.

Until then—over and out, peeps.

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