Sunday, June 6, 2021

Dance Recital—Spring 2021!

Oh. My. Heavens. Peeps.

Could Chica be any older as she’s putting on makeup for her dance recital???


I also die over my BELOVED Chicklet’s stinking adorable face right here:

Ironically, that’s the same face I made when I found out—thanks to Covid; and I mean that sincerely this time—that this year’s dance recital would NOT be one massive, painful event, but rather, many MINI recitals lasting only about 20 minutes.

And better still—Chica and Chicklet were slated to perform during the SAME mini recital!

Can I get an Amen, Halleluiah.

It was absolutely the perfect low-key, minimal-stress event to cap off this semester of successfully returning to extra-curriculars. And my girlies had a happy time, which is all that’s important.

It’s hard to believe when I count back on the years that this was Chica’s unofficial fifth year of dance. And Chicklet’s third!

Of course, we’ve had some mini interruptions during those years. Like taking a semester off when Chica began kindergarten and was just way too tired after school. Or a small break when we moved, and another when the pandemic shut everything down.

But, in all, this continues to be a very seamless and happy activity for the girlies, and they both said YES immediately, when I asked if they wanted to enroll again for the Fall.

All. Good. Things.

Oh—and here are some trips down memory lane of old recital posts:

And, now...back to the sweet pics from yesterday. :)

It seriously was so low-key—and quick!—that I barely managed any official pics.

And in a really fun, but inconvenient twist: a giant thunderstorm with a deluge of rain rolled in right in the middle of the recital! So we ran out in pouring rain. It was kind of a fun adventure, tehe.

And Daddy had flowers waiting for his girlies at home when we arrived. :)

And what a supportive brother Little Man was throughout the event. He was so happy to spot his sissies and cheer them on. 

As a special little celebratory treat, I brought the girlies to “the spa” for a pedicure after the recital (when, luckily, the rain died down a bit).

We only go together about once or twice a year, and they always get such a kick out of it and feel so indulged.

All in all, we were blessed with a really fantastic and fun official first week of Summer break. And it’s lovely that Nanna has been along for the ride.

We’re planning another fun outing for tomorrow, and then things will really scale back and calm down for the rest of this week.

In looking at our overall Summer calendar, things are much busier than I originally expected, so I want to really treasure the rare week or two with nothing major on the agenda. And the latter part of this week will definitely be that.

Wishing everyone a fantastic Monday and nothin’ but positive June mojo!

Over and out. 

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