Monday, June 14, 2021

VBS Week—2021!

Oh. My. Goodness, peeps.

What a day!

And what a week it’s gonna be, because…it’s Vacation Bible School week at our church! 

It’s truly insane for me to look back at this pic from two years ago, when the girlies attended their first VBS here, and Little Man was still too young to qualify:


How much they’ve GROWN!

Of course, last year, VBS was virtual during the pandemic, so now…

This year, this week, ALL my babies can attend!


I made the perhaps insane decision to volunteer, as well. Which ended up being no small act of service—Oye.

Basically, to put things into perspective, our church is pretty massive, and there are 923 (yes, NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE) kiddos enrolled this week for VBS.

So it doesn’t just take a village to plan and execute this week. It appears to take a small country.

Coming off of our rough Spring, I was so very close to NOT volunteering and just letting the kiddos attend and enjoy.

But, apparently, God had other plans, because it kept weighing on my heart enough that I finally—with only one week to go before launch—submitted my volunteer form and background check. And then secretly, kind of hoped I wouldn’t get called upon.

But called upon, I DID GET.

And for a kind of hefty job of leading one of the Bible story classrooms.

This consists of me going through a lively but message-filled (I hope!) half-hour Bible lesson for about 25-30 kiddos at a time. FOUR TIMES in a row! Oye.

By noon today, after about 120 kids (4th grade, so I got Chica in one rotation!), I was WIPED. And a little bit like: what just happened??? And pretty much just wanted to stare at a wall. 

But look…alive (in my very flattering—not—brilliant yellow volunteer shirt, ha):

My kiddos were just as wiped after their lovely experiences. In fact, they needed about half an hour in the car while we drove to pick up some lunch after the morning was over before they were able to re-animate and really talk much, tehe.

And then it took a much-needed bath and some movie time to help them recoup their energy!

Long and short—it’s going to be an EXHAUSTING week, but, hopefully, one of service (for me) and happy church memories (for them), so…wish us luck!

And forgive me for any lack of posting. ;)

Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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