Monday, July 5, 2021

4th of July—2021!

Oh my heavens, peeps.

Yesterday was the 4th of July (Did you hear? It’s kind of a big deal.)

Wednesday, we are OFFICIALLY halfway to being back in school.

And it is just insane to believe that this much time has flown by in a blink!

But we’ve been having so much fun and spending so much time together that I’m going ignore the timelines of it all (and talk about it much more mañana) and just post some pics of my firecracker babies yesterday. :)

Please note the girlies’ awesomesauce footwear…

But backing up to the morning. We streamed our church service whilst crafting. Something very Americana, natch.

Then we ate at home for lunch before suiting up for our FIRST family movie at the theater since before the pandemic! WOO.HOO.

And then, post movie, it was cooking at home—along with the best mason jar festive dessert I could tackle without an oven (still backordered—boooooo). 

And even with cloudy skies and some possible rain, I let the kiddos have an evening swim. :)

We capped things off with our lovely, playroom panoramic view of distant fireworks that we love so much. And Chicklet’s instructions to hold hands, sway, and sing happy “America Day.”

I’m grateful for the hubby’s day off work on this Monday to ease back into our week. And I hope you all had a lovely and festive holiday. :)

Over and out. 

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