Sunday, July 11, 2021

Gone Fishin’ Project

Well, peeps.

It’s been an interesting roller coaster around our casa the past few days—and mostly due to this poor Mama’s head, and the giant pain its been.

Long and short—I got a migraine on Wednesday morning (triggered by a sudden change in light, as most of mine are), and the headache in the moment wasn’t too terribly bad, but the after-effects have been brutal.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a migraine that just pummels me in the days afterward, but for the past 72 hours, I’ve been like a vampire, hissing when anybody turns on a light, feeling pretty nauseous because o’ the pain, and avoiding any sudden movements of m’eyeballs. Oye.

Luckily, I’ve been having some bouts of symptom reprieve in between the hyper-sensitivity and pain, but man oh MAN will I be glad when this all passes!

During our steaming church service this morning, I was pretty A-okay and we handled this really adorable little project (that I actually purchased as part of Chica’s ocean-themed birthday) and my crazies actually loved it way more than I thought they would, ha. It’s the little things, I guess. And the potential for imaginative play, as they immediately retreated upstairs to huddle together and enjoy. :)

I have grande plans for lots more projects this week, since I finally tackled a massive cleaning of our craft closet (it exploded during our winter storm disaster and restoration) and I was simultaneously able to take stock of our current backlog of some fun crafts and set a handful aside for right now. Like, this week. 

So…more simple fun to come this week.

But, also, a bit of pain, as some contractors are coming tomorrow to finally install some replacement windows we ordered 17 weeks ago that were supposed to arrive and be installed within 6-7 weeks.


So wish us luck with that. I’m kind of a bit nervous after all we’ve endured in this house! And, of course, this window project was supposed to happen when the house was still torn apart.

But…thinking happy thoughts.

Okay, off to ice my head and hang out in a dark room!

More mañana.

Over and out. 

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