Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Test Kitchen Tuesday—Strawberry Cream Paletas!

Well, peeps.

Holy moly was it a bit of a circus kind of day.

Window installation wrapped up (at least until the re-ordered backordered windows arrive around the holidays, baha).

And since window installation isn’t exactly a mess-free process (holy kind of terrifying to watch and/or listen to the removal), my afternoon consisted of mopping and vacuuming and painting windowsills that  were a bit abused in the process. Oye.

But the rest of the day was just as jam-packed with kiddo activities, an orthodontist appointment for Chica to have her expander removed (more on that mañana!), painting, swimming and…

Test Kitchen Tuesday!

It was Chicklet’s turn to select the recipe, and bless her for going with something super easy-breezy:

Once upon a time, I had more than one set of popsicle molds, but I’ll give a million dollars to the person that can find them for me. So…thank you, Amazon, for this $7 set (that conveniently coordinates with our appliances).

Hysterically, this second installation of Test Kitchen Tuesday also involved strawberries, just like last week, so I let my professionally little slicers (safely) go nuts again. :)

Then we added the other necessary ingredients…

And we had a lovely lesson about locking the blender in place, always securing the lid and keeping your hand on it, tehe. Important life skills, yes??

They actually had a blast taking turns learning how to do the locking-in-place part. And don’t even get me started on the joys of kiddos pushing blender buttons.

Then some pouring practice…with minimal overflow spilling. ;)

And then we were on to rock painting once everything was in the freezer for a few hours, ha.

These low-key days at home are seriously heaven (especially because our unscheduled time is minimal this summer), but I do sometimes feel like I’m doing everything and juggling to keep them entertained, ha. 

But they’re totally worth the juggling.

Now. I’m sorry to report that the general consensus was sort of a thumbs-down on this week’s recipe. Perhaps we needed some sugar or less lemon juice to really amp up the seeetness.

But…it’s all part of the process and the fun, right??

And speaking of fun. We had some family splashing before dinner for the first time in more than a week (thanks to last week’s steady rain). My swim babies were happy and silly, and Daddy made it home from work just in time to join in.

We might actually get dressed and leave the house tomorrow for a Tarjay run. Crazy, I know.

But then again…maybe not. :)

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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