Monday, August 16, 2021

First Day Of School—2021

Oh. My. Heavens. Peeps.

Banner day. Absolutely one for the books!

First day of school with all three of my babies together, in elementary.

And even though our school day begins 15 minutes earlier than last year, so the sun was barely awake enough for us to get non-fuzzy pictures, it was still a solid morning with all of us coasting on nothin’ but happy vibes.

But even cooperative, positive vibin’ kiddos reach their picture-taking limit—as evidenced by Little Man’s hysterical grimace-smile below.

Never fear…I put them out of their misery, and we went back inside for a dance party during the final five minutes before we needed to leave the house.


Here’s the point where I mention that during those five minutes, Little Man started to have a bit of a tiny meltdown.

Outwardly, it was about his displeasure in wearing a kindergarten name tag clipped to his shirt (as directed for the first two weeks to help all the littles get to the appropriate place at all times). 

But in reality, it’s my Mama Gut belief that it was his manifestation of anxiety about the impending drop-off and inaugural day.

And I can pretty much confirm that hypothesis because when he made it home later in the day, he confirmed that his name tag was A-okay, and we never gave it another thought, tehe.

Of all three of my kiddos at the end of their first day of kindergarten, Little Man hopped in the car at pickup the most bright-eyed and bushy tailed of them all. Instead of looking a little harried and overwhelmed, he literally looked just as he did at drop-off.


All three of my babies were smiling WIDE as they piled in the car, and they chattered away happily, giving me lots o’ lovely tidbits about the activities of their day.

But I still wanted more time to chat with them and hear about all the good stuff before I lost them to some quiet time on their iPads. And considering Chicklet’s overheated (not sunburned) cheeks, I knew exactly the thing to keep the happy and chatty.

Some swim time!

I’m happy to report that we capped off the banner day with a lost tooth for Chica, and a solid, on-time bedtime. :)

Obviously, I’m (well, well) aware that today marked a banner day—not just for the kiddos, but for this here Mama, as well. And there will be time to chat about that in the future.

But for now, I’d rather not underscore just how monumental this life shift is, and just be grateful for all the happy, healthy days my kiddos have in school, and make the most of them.

Happy First Day of School, peeps!

Over and out. 

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