Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Homeroom Happiness

Oh my heavens, peeps.

I had a totally weepy moment today with my beautiful Chicklet. Happy tears, thank goodness, but a real spell of emotion!

Basically, over the past 24 hours, we’ve been getting calls from the kiddos’ assigned homeroom teachers for the upcoming school year. Just quick, introductory hellos before the official meet-the-teacher shebang on Thursday night. It’s always so exciting to see who each kiddo will get for the year.

Now. My Chicklet previously admitted to a bit of worry over getting a kind and friendly teacher—and having at least one friend from a previous school year in her class with her.

But I don’t think I realized just how much this was weighing on her little heart until we got the teacher call (she’s in one of the homerooms we were praying for!) and realized not only did she get a great teacher, but she’s assigned to a class with one of her close buddies who lives down the street (the family of our weekly play dates)!

I mean…this face of happy joy/victory! (Holding the slime we were making, with my vacuum in the background after cleaning up the glitter from said slime, tehe).

Chicklet and her little friend immediately wanted to record videos and send them back and forth (through parent phones) to tell one another how excited they were, and it was when I pressed “record” and heard my girly speak that I got totally weepy.

Because Chicklet was choking back emotion herself and her eyes were filling up with tears as she said to the camera…

I thought (*pause while she gathered herself and tears came to her eyes*) I was gonna be with somebody else. But. I end up with you. And now, I don’t have to find a new buddy, I have an old buddy.”

And then she smiled and waved at her little friend in the video and I was just…UGH.

I couldn’t help my own tears—especially when we finished the recording and Chicklet told me about how she felt emotional.

But it was all sorts of happy and relieved emotions for her—and it just totally lit her up. :)

We’ve not had a bad apple in the bunch as far as teachers go. All of my kiddos have always been blessed with wonderful educators, and I have no doubt this year will be more of the same.

But now that all three kiddos have received their introductory phone calls and we’re so happy with their placements, we’re all just so pumped about the school year. The kiddos are even asking how many sleeps until kickoff, hehe.

So…here’s to my babies’ hearts feeling lighter and more relieved. And here’s to Chica and the completion of her convocation choir commitment—that we celebrated with snow cones after her pickup this afternoon. 

Look at my beautiful girl in her lovely yellow with her beautiful tan and gorgeous eyes.

This is the hilarious motley crew of faces thanks to the news that our beloved snow cone place is closing for good this weekend, due to hikes in rent following Covid craziness. :(

But it was definitely one happy, hurrah send-off. And thank goodness we made it a point to go get these frozen treats this week before it was too late!

We gave Little Man his hair cut this past weekend, and he looks like a dang pre-teen now. UGH.

We have a blessedly free and clean final three weekdays ahead of us before the first day of school, and we are going to Live. It. Up.

Especially after the 5 a.m. wake-ups for Chica’s choir hoopla the past couple of days. ;) 

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out.

P.S. I wanted to give my twins/not-twins a bit of extra love and attention today while Chica was away, but they hilariously preferred to spend a decent chunk of time all buddy-buddy, conquering their favorite video game.

How many years to you think I’ll get with them the same height before a massive difference (favoring one or the other) starts to show???

Love all my crazies.

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