Thursday, August 12, 2021

Meet The Teacher Night—2021!


What an energetic night for my crazies, because it was…Meet The Teacher night!!

It felt like such a treat to be able to do this in person, considering last year, it was via Zoom.

Chica and Little Man were nothing but pumped—while Chicklet admitted to a bit of nerves, though there was definitely no need for them!

Because from the moment my crazies started walking across the parking lot, they found friendly faces (behind masks, tehe), and were happily waving and greeting little friends :)

It was so crazy—and, yet, not at all—to be making the rounds for three separate kiddos/classrooms this year. It’s sometimes hard for me to remember that Little Man is new to the whole elementary school thing when it just feels so natural for him to finally be synced up with his sissies.

I love love love that he held up one finger for this pic below, because—as he so adorably put it—it’s his first year in this school. 

And what a treat to check out his seating assignment and realize he’s in class and placed right next to a familiar face! The odds!

This petite little nugget (doesn’t Little Man look like a giant compared to her??!) is the adorable daughter of Chica’s teacher from last year.

You might recall from past blog posts that Chica’s wonderful teacher came over to our house a few times over the summer—and one of those times was for a little swim play date with her daughter included. So it was such a treat to realize Little Man already has a friendly face for his first day! Totally made my heart so happy and relieved.

It looks like his class is skewed toward the ladies (ha), which always seems to be the case for him. ;) But I did notice about five or six little boy names on the roster, and I have no doubt he’ll be making buddies in no time.

Now, if you’ll recall from my last post, Chicklet was absolutely over-the-moon (tears included) to discover she was placed in a class with a good buddy—and with a fantastic teacher. We didn’t know this teacher personally prior to tonight, but have always heard rave reviews, and she was just so welcoming and happy to see Chicklet that it immediately set her at ease. 

And it was also a major relief and source of excitement for Chicklet to discover a handful of other familiar friends in her class this year. It seriously lit her up like a light bulb. Definitely helped to lesson those nerves even that much more. 

Since Chica is aging a bit, I didn’t want to embarrass her too much with pics while we were in her classroom (such a seasoned 4th grader she is!) but we got such happy vibes from her teacher, as well. And Chica scoured all the seating assignments and discovered several familiar names, so she’s relieved to have some buddies to kick things off—just like Little Man and Chicklet.

All in all, it was a successful first impression and we are absolutely cruising along with nothing but positive vibes for the big day on Monday!

Hard to believe we’re in the final couple of days before a new school year. But with momentum feeling so natural, and Chica’s special choir activities bringing us to school campuses for weeks now, the timing feels just right, and we’re full steam ahead!

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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