Thursday, August 26, 2021

Oh, DEER (And The Acclimation of a School Year)

Oh. Holy. Goodness.

My babies are feelin’ the rough transition in to the swing of the school year—BIG TIME.

Very early wake ups, long days, hot-as-Hades recess, aching legs (again with the recess, and the gym class, and the after-school swimming I’ve had to limit), not enough water (they just don’t remember to drink), expansion of their brains, and, well, about a million other things, have caused them to be little crank-monsters more often than I prefer.


So tonight, I got ‘em all showered and forced them to have so time being still, watching a movie, and, thank heavens for that.

And we were rewarded for the forced downtime with an extra-special treat when the movie ended.

We opened the electric shades (that were closed for optimum viewing), and saw a deer—RIGHT THERE, out the window, by our pool, tehe.

Now. We love our little deer friends, but they only play on the lower tier of the backyard because the upper tier (surrounding the pool) is fenced in. 


Two hours prior, I’d walked a tree-trimming contractor around the property and opened the gate (without closing it, as we ended up all the way around, back to the front of the house), which left it accessible for our beautiful visitor. :)

She stared at us for awhile through the window, but was super chill and unbothered.

And the kiddos were totally enchanted by the up close and personal viewing.

After she munched on a few things, she moseyed back over to the open gate, but still hung close by.

And then a few minutes later, when the kiddos were upstairs brushing their teeth for bed, they hollered down that the deer (who seems to be the Mama) and her babies were all hanging in the lower tier.

And sure enough, Mama had just copped a squat to lounge while watching her babies wander and munch. :)

I love our magical animal sightings, and they always seem to happen on days that we really need them.

I know my babies will adjust to the school year within a few weeks’ time.

And I’m extra patient knowing they didn’t go through this typical school launch last year, as they had to virtual school until October, so they got to ramp up in an unexpectedly helpful way before they were back in person.

And in the meantime, we’ll just appreciate the positive bits of their day—like library visits!—and soak in the weekend downtime as much as possible.

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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