Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Sick Day Buddies

Well, peeps.

As I mentioned in my last post, we made it a grand total of 10 school days before succumbing to germs. 

Pretty fantastic record, eh???


Truly, as much as the hubby and I: a) discussed the possibility—and probability—of illness, b) tried to mentally prepare for the when, not if of any sick ick hitting our household, and, c) joked that at least we didn’t start this school year virtual learning…it was still a bummer to keep a kid home, so soon after the start of the school year.

Worse still (and I’m enough of an honest human being to admit this): I was not mentally prepared for the bummer of having a kid home sick, on my 40th birthday.

Not that I had any fabulous plans or anything (just, you know, launching my midlife crisis [I kid…or do I??]), I just didn’t plan for kid home sick status. 


So again, in keeping with the human being honesty, I’ll state for the record that I was a bit of a cranky-pants 40-year-old yesterday—though, mostly, to the hubby. 

To my sick Chicklet, I tried to be a good Mama, with snuggles and time spent together, but there was an underlying restlessness. Again, because of the milestone birthday, I think.

So I’m weirdly happy that I got a do-over today when we had to keep Chicklet home just one more day. Because I adjusted my attitude and launched into the day with the reminder of what precious, quality time it was with my beloved middle baby. And I didn’t waste any of it :)

It’s ironic that Chicklet and I both hold some sweet memories from our round of flu quarantine together last year. We were absolutely miserable, but we were miserable together

And I sort of hope she retains some fond memories of these last couple of days as my buddy. My kid who got to ring in my 40 years with me. :) (And I’m pretty sure she will, because she told me a couple times today: I just love staying home with you. Cue melting heart.)

So, now, without further delay…some of our shenanigans of the past two days:

Fun with crystals (gettin’ our science on):

Dabbling in some motion art:

Harry reading (it was time for House sorting!):

A Chick-fil-A run (and eventual playroom picnic), complete with an awesomesauce grasshopper buddy clinging to the windshield wiper the whole way):

Fun, front porch notes and drawing passed back and forth with our neighbor friends who are also home sick (but with different sick ick):

A bit of actual school work (some math and cursive):

A Daddy-bearing-Happy-Meal lunch:

And lots and lots o’ TV watching (‘cause that’s what you do on sick days):

Of course, I was the irresponsible Mama who cued up the ballet movie just because I knew my beautiful girl would love it…and then she just had to dance.

Daddy wasn’t happy when he learned of the jumping and twirling, but in my defense, she didn’t cough once while she was doing it!

Our girl is definitely on the mend (just that pesky, lingering cough), so she’ll be back to school tomorrow, but I’m grateful for the time together—and for the attitude adjustment that helped me get there. :)

Happy Almost Hump Day, peeps.

Over and out. 

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